
Awful: Trump just revealed that he will attack Biden over "migrant killings" at the debate later this month. It really is time to treat the Trump-MAGA use of these horrific murders to smear millions of undocumented immigrants as a big story. 1/ New piece from me:
Trump Just Revealed How He’ll Attack Biden at Debate—and It’s He’s going to pin “migrant killings” on Biden. It’s false, and here’s how Biden should respond.
It's hard to overstate how ubiquitous the highlighting of "migrant crime" has become in right wing info spaces. Trump brings it up at rallies. MAGA lawmakers put it on T-shirts. Fox News puts mug shots on screens and highlights crimes in chyrons. 2/
Right now Trump/MAGA personalities are all hyping the horrific killing of a young Maryland mom. Fox reported that the alleged killer is a "gotaway," which is supposed to indict Biden. But this actually undermines their case, as I try to explain here. 3/
This alleged killer got in after repeat crossings under Title 42. But that undermines MAGA's case! It shows he got in when maximum asylum restrictions first implemented by Trump were in effect! And Trump released hundreds of thousands, too. More below. 4/
There was a deal in the Senate that would have provided funding for more immigration judges to expedite the asylum process, thus hastening the deportation of those who did not qualify. Guess who scuttled that deal?