
Awful: Trump just revealed that he will attack Biden over "migrant killings" at the debate later this month. It really is time to treat the Trump-MAGA use of these horrific murders to smear millions of undocumented immigrants as a big story. 1/ New piece from me:
Trump Just Revealed How He’ll Attack Biden at Debate—and It’s He’s going to pin “migrant killings” on Biden. It’s false, and here’s how Biden should respond.
It's hard to overstate how ubiquitous the highlighting of "migrant crime" has become in right wing info spaces. Trump brings it up at rallies. MAGA lawmakers put it on T-shirts. Fox News puts mug shots on screens and highlights crimes in chyrons. 2/
Right now Trump/MAGA personalities are all hyping the horrific killing of a young Maryland mom. Fox reported that the alleged killer is a "gotaway," which is supposed to indict Biden. But this actually undermines their case, as I try to explain here. 3/
This alleged killer got in after repeat crossings under Title 42. But that undermines MAGA's case! It shows he got in when maximum asylum restrictions first implemented by Trump were in effect! And Trump released hundreds of thousands, too. More below. 4/
James Carville says Biden should respond by directly telling Trump this: “When I took over from you, crime in the United States was rising. We are now in one of the greatest declines in crime we’ve had in modern American history.” 5/
Biden's protections for undocumented spouses of US citizens provides an opening for a contrast with Trump, who would deport all those people and all other undocumented immigrants. Biden can say he will keep American families together, Trump would rip them apart. 6/
Time for more coverage of this. What about stand-alone NYT news analyses highlighting Trump-MAGA pattern of cherry-picking "migrant crimes," showing how absurdly it's being used, and quoting experts warning of the historical dangers of this trope? 7/
"Biden's protections for undocumented spouses of US citizens provides an opening for a contrast with Trump, who would deport all those people and all other undocumented immigrants." Two words: Melania Trump. This isn't an opening for the Donald.
“Maybe we should just deport everybody with 34 felony convictions “ might work also.
sure but Biden should also assume that Trump will respond in standard Republican fashion, as has been done on the economy and inflation, by suggesting that any citing of stats in this way is callous to the lived experience of people who are in their rhetoric currently suffering the worst of whatever
“And you’re the only one standing in the way of making the crime rate fall even further.”
There was a deal in the Senate that would have provided funding for more immigration judges to expedite the asylum process, thus hastening the deportation of those who did not qualify. Guess who scuttled that deal?
What drives me bananas about this argument is, *he was caught 3 times and sent back*. If the system didn't work, he would have gotten in the first time, not 4 tries later. And few people are going to keep trying after 1-2 tries.
I think trump et al are focused on something else they have in common
Debunking their claims is good work. The only problem is that "illegal [sic] kills woman while Biden is president" just works for large swaths of illiterates.
republicans have been campaigning on FEAR for decades! they always paint the picture as being worse than it really is. they are flat out a destructive!! #VoteOutAllRepublicans from every office at every level for the good of our country and our people!!
But instead of making this cogent argument I fear Biden will instead respond by wearing that button and call them illegals again 🙄
Biden could highlight that Trump’s dangerous rhetoric got Americans murdered by the mass shootings at The Tree Of Life synagogue and the Walmart in Texas. Both of those murderers I think explicitly named Trump as inspiration. But a tit for tat about any of this seems gross on all levels
He should say call off your supporters death threats. You had your day in court and lost. That is in fact law and order.
My immediate reaction is, "Good, let him." Bring on all of the immediately disprovable crazy talk. Let him open himself up to the lies he's told being front and center of Biden's counter-attack. In a perfect world they will have an ad teed up with quotes from the sister of Ruby Garcia.
Trump said he spoke with a slain woman’s family. The sister says he didn’ Trump left Michigan facing controversy for his claim he spoke to family members of a victim.
He and every single one of his supporters are equally vile. They are all 100% complicit. A character stain that can never be washed from any of them, it's in permanent marker.
Here's my counter: 90% of mass killers are documented supporters of DJT and right wing ideology. Trump's rhetoric incites violence, including the Jan. 6 riots and attempts to kill his own vice president. Go ahead, Don, deny that you have called for violence against your opponents. We have receipts.
> a million people died due to his negligence & mishandling of covid, some of the worse statistics of pandemic deaths in the world... that's more than the Spanish Flu, than WWI, WWII, Korean War,& the Viet Nam War combined Trump as president holds the record of killing Americans
Biden should ask Trump to "name their names" in reference to yesterday''s mass shooting in AL, where gun violence is rampant. Or the names of those killed at Las Vegas, or the many other sites where shooters were enabled but the GOPs incestuous relationship with the NRA.
cool cool can we name names of those killed in Gaza
Undocumented immigrants By far the most law abiding demographic in the US. Biden should retort with how violent Trump supporters are.
🤔🔥🇺🇸🔥Is #Biden v. #Trump the 2024 version of #Carter v. #Reagan 1980 only with accelerated catastrophic consequences?
i hate being right
this is really bad. for context, a young woman was killed on a jog at UGA, the first homicide there in decades. fox news & republicans will be exploiting the case at every turn, especially near the election.
Unless CNN does some vigorous fact checking in real time, it won’t matter what Biden says. People will hear it, be outraged, and it will spread, regardless of whether it’s true or not. Trump will use this as a propaganda platform. Truth is irrelevant, feelings and perception are everything.
Weird for someone whose grandfather came as an illegal immigrant and lived off of crime..