
Maybe we need to have some kind of giveaway/barter feed on here so people who are in the same city/area can find each other when they want to get rid of produce or do a craft material exchange, etc
Presto. It's really too bad I can't share with bsky since I don't know anyone else. I've still got a lot of Thai and holy that needs to be harvested next week. Not sure what the conventional wisdom is on making pesto with it? 🍽️
I love that idea. I keep thinking about joining FB for the buy-nothing groups but I can’t bring myself to do it, lol
Same. I really don't like Facebook
Ooo, I could make these if no one else gets to it first!
Ahhh that would be amazing!! I was just sitting here thinking β€œI have no idea how we would do this”
What cities/regions should I make sure to include?