
Not that there weren't reasons to run against the court before, but "The justices who have taking a lot of bribes says it's okay to bribe elected officials" seems like the kind of thing that an average voter can both understand and get mad about
A lot of voters are temporarily inconvenienced billionaires who dream of one day buying their own Supreme Court Justice.
These radical decisions, and the politics they represent are very, very upopular!
There’s a reason all this shit is happening at the Court instead of in even the hideously malapportioned Congress.
You underestimate the average voter’s ability to rationalize the unethical activities of a jurist whose decisions they support
The need to rationalise it only arises if they actually care. I suspect for many voters even this low hurdle isn’t cleared.
I've been mad since McDonnell but finally there's not RBG on the wrong side so I'm hoping there's more will to campaign on it.
100% for expanding this court and diluting the poisonous water.