
The answer to political anxiety is political organizing.
Honest question: What can we do that doesn’t involve sending yet more texts that drive everyone nuts?
Volunteer to knock doors and write postcards. Organize a small dollar fundraiser, or I suppose a large dollar one if that’s your speed. Volunteer for voter registration tabling
I guess I am asking the question, as a Californian, at a national level. There are certainly local options, but in general, those are not the contests that I am particular anxious about.
Pretty sure you can phone bank and postcard write to voters in swing states even from CA. I can find links to those groups that help get you setup, if that's of use.
Do you have an opinion on the easiest one to sign up for and follow their directions? I've got a friend in PA that wants to do postcards, and said I'd said I'd find her a group that does in state, but everything is a bit overwhelming or sends me to mobilizeus.
Postcard to Swing States - minimum order is 200 but postcard parties are fun!