
stormy daniels made a joke about how she had to go to the charity golf thing because her contract holder (wicked entertainment) sponsored a hole. on the stand
God maybe he’ll die today
legitimately part of the prosecution's theory might be that if they make him angry enough he'll just die right there in the dock
Apparently, the courtroom is laughing at her quips, which, based on how he reacted to the memes, might actually kill him (or get him to violate the gag order again).
she's got jokes. turns out a woman who has made a career out of having a ton of charisma has a ton of charisma.
It would be really funny if he broke the gag order to complain about her getting a better reaction than him. Just totally losing it because his rizz was always about his money, not him as a person.
This right here is what will do it.
Just guessing from this thread, but said wife isn’t present in the gallery to support said husband during his criminal trial?
This is one of the few cases where people are being unfair to His Sliminess and the First Consort. Given enough means, older couples tend to sleep separately and join each other in bed only for recreation. There's nothing unusual about them not sharing a bed for sleeping. Be surprising if they did.
He was in his 50s and she was in her 30s when this happened. They were by no means old and in fact were basically newly weds.
I suspect you've never slept with an overweight 50-year-old man. All those jokes about wives detesting their husband's snoring are based in reality.