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Father, husband, Catholic, lawyer, patriot, perpetually disappointed Philadelphia sports and Arsenal fan.
Golf telecasts should start keeping a graphic on the guys who went to LIV. Like a bonesaw. Just so I know which flotsam and jetsam guys I can root against.
Alabama Barry Moore Arizona Andy Biggs Eli Crane Paul Gosar Debbie Lesko Arkansas French Hill Colorado Lauren Boebert Florida Aaron Bean Byron Donalds Matt Gaetz Anna Paulina Luna Brian Mast Cory Mills Bill Posey Greg Steube Michael Waltz Georgia Mike Collins Marjorie Taylor Greene
Reminds me of the line: if you have a table of 11 people, and a Nazi sits down yet no one gets up, what do you have? Answer: a table of 12 Nazis.
In a 3-way primary race for Arkansas GOP Lt. Gov in 1990, an avowed Nazi got 46% of the vote. This article from The Nation noted with some alarm that the national GOP had yet to take a public stand in regard to the coming run off.
In a 3-way primary race for Arkansas GOP Lt. Gov in 1990, an avowed Nazi got 46% of the vote. This article from The Nation noted with some alarm that the national GOP had yet to take a public stand in regard to the coming run off.
Still jarring to see this just plainly said in a headline www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news...
Elon Musk so angry at Jews, you’d think one of his children converted
i’m not exactly a connoisseur when it comes to film and literature, but it still blows my mind that these guys all conceive of art as just an updated set of jingling keys dangling in front of their moron faces
Removing the block function from Twitter takes the conservative vision of free speech full circle from "I have a right to say it" to "no one should criticize what I say" to "you should be forced to hear me say it"
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