
As everyone knows, when a university hires new faculty, they just stack all their credentials up in a row and whichever one is highest gets the job. Easy peasy.
A lawsuit filed against Northwestern University opened a new front in the legal battle against affirmative action, alleging that its law school hires less-qualified people of color and women over White men for faculty positions in violation of federal anti-discrimination laws.
Lawsuit: Northwestern’s law school is biased against White men in The lawsuit, filed by a prominent attorney, alleges the university’s law school gives hiring preference to women and people of color.
Before affirmative action it was always a pure, some might even say lily-white hiring process.
Oh yeah, pure meritocracy. Your Harvard advisor would call his old Yale roommate at Princeton and tell him you merited a job there.
I used to work in a white male dominated agency & they'd always gripe about promotions that weren't merit based (in their opinions & often correctly), but THEN they promoted a WOMAN. Suddenly, it made 'em mad 'cause it was a gender bias. I asked what's new about bias in promotions & they relented.
In that org, it helped to be Mormon.