Cecil Dewalt

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Cecil Dewalt


Cartoonist, Dad, Special Needs Cat Advocate, Toy Nerd. That effin’ seahorse guy. I once drew a vintage furry webcomic🦝❤️🐆. 🏳️‍⚧️
Find yourself a bestie who will menace you just like this
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Bonus cheapie YCH as it's obviously not my design :) enjoy!
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I really need to get commissions filled. Just bought this aspirator for whenever I leave the house. 😭 #Disability
Crawling my ass back to Pokemon Shield in an attempt to shiny hunt both Maractus and Druddigon, and I sorely miss my sandwich bike now.
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My friend and graduate school colleague Mazen spent the first part of the war in Gaza huddled in tents while his wife Alaa waited to give birth to their child. They managed to make it to safety. Alaa is now raising money to help postpartum moms still stuck in Gaza www.gofundme.com/f/from-suffe...
Support for Providing Basic Needs for Gazan Mothers, organized by Alaa Naimwww.gofundme.com My name is Alaa. I am a Palestinian from Gaza, and mother of four childr… Alaa Naim needs your support for Support for Providing Basic Needs for Gazan Mothers
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Artfight pic for @littlelombax.bsky.social of her NeoPets fan character fern and her two pet pets.
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Reminder as it has never been more important than ever
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Artist Auryanne (Heather Riesen, aka Dancing Hare, Shenandoah) of Neopets and "A Fierce Bad Rabbit" webcomic fame, has been moved to a hospice due to illness. Prayers and thoughts for her husband and family are welcomed. en.wikifur.com/wiki/Auryanne
Planning Cozy Grove and Paleo Pines before our Palia hangout! Please come join us on Friday!
Hey Gang! THIS Friday (19th) fundraising Stream Time, Cecil is going to show off two absolutely wonderful Cozy Games, and then we're going to have a group dive into Palia. (I've been playing quite a while, but we're going to follow Cecil starting out if anyone wants to see this "Cozy MMO"
Is there anyone out there familiar with Digimon World: Next Order who could help me out with some tips? I’m struggling with the battle mechanics and upgrading
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also and I feel like I buried the lede here: it calls for the people who CREATE queer media to be imprisoned. That'd be people like me. Or any other queer creator you love. Any queen who's been on drag race. Chappel Roan. Janelle Monae. Anyone who's made a piece of queer media. Imprisoned.
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
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Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
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I really appreciate everyone who's helped. Still struggling, but very grateful
We could use help, one dad is disabled, the other dad is unemployed, we've four kids, one of which is special needs. Anything would be very appreciated. #mutualaid Donation Links: Cashapp: $rdewalt Venmo: @ryan-dewalt-2 Kofi ko-fi.com/1024x768 (Which takes paypal as well) GFM: gofund.me/ae248768
Help Keep Arty and Cecil Keep Their Home (May-June Edition), organized by Randy Entingergofund.me Very dear friends of mine—Arty, Cecil, and their family—have … Randy Entinger needs your support for Help Keep Arty and Cecil Keep Their Home (May-June Edition)
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Super proud to say we've now gotten to over 100+ attendees! 💖🎉 Wonder if we can bring that up further? 👀
HEY YOU! Join us for one of the biggest Furry Music Events of our scene, with one of the most prominent Furry lineups Europe has seen to date! THE AURAL ALLIANCE FESTIVAL 2024 AUGUST 27 & 28 in HANNOVER, GERMANY With 25+ Acts from 10+ Countries! TICKETS NOW: auralalliance.page/events/aaf2024 1/4
I could go for some hot bivalve soup rn
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Did you hear that pop-star's coming to town? Better get your tickets quick, they're gonna sell out! i had such a great time doing this commission for @kumakiss.bsky.social !! #furry #furryart
The Looney Tunes Show got slept on when it was airing, and I thought it was pure gold then. I’m glad it’s finally getting more appreciation. I think the gag pacing is phenomenal
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A birthday gift for my sister🤑 #art #cartoon #bird #darkwingduck
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This should terrify people in terms of what it means not only for teachers and librarians, but for parents. Once exposure to queer content gets classified as child abuse, that will be the excuse they use to remove kids from queer homes, or even just homes that teach acceptance.
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
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Old piece I did for my son’s dinosaur themed bedroom! There’s a T-Rex one too I need to find 🤔
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Please give a warm and official welcome to SpiritPanda Costumes family....FISK! :D Fisk is a Mandarin Nightdraxos. He was an extremely fun and challenging project and I couldn't be happier with how he turned out!! All of the markings on his fins are sewn!
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Thread of COOL BUGS from my yard Notes: I am not good at ID, easily confused, and am not a photographer. This is for fun because I love the beautiful complex relationships between plants and wildlife! Okay first is a Hummingbird Clearwing moth (hemaris thysbe) appreciation post because I LOVE THEM
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NOAA and the National Weather Service, and all the local NWS offices as well as the national centers like the Storm Prediction Center, National Hurricane Center, Aviation Weather Center, and others offer such a huge wealth of data and services to the public. And all pretty accessible online!
Moxie has designed and created a cosplay OC that I felt deserved sharing. Meet “Finn Lux”! Isn’t he cool??
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Hey Gang, Cecil has asked that I start doing Actual Alt Texts of the strips into the images. Starting tonight, I will be doing my best to alt-text all the strips. Cecil has pointed out that I would be helping out quite a lot. I cannot alt-text old postings, but I may add a Reply with alt-texts.
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With how everyt anime has an Onsen Episode, or a Beach Episode, we're having a Shower Episode.
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With all the talk about stickers lately, I'll reiterate that if you want awesome quality stickers, definitely check out @wildeprints.com . Their work is awesome, they communicate incredibly well, and there's tons of cool options for style!