
My one slasher movie hot take is that Nightmare on Elm Street 2 is actually really good it's just a mid Freddy movie
"You got the body, and I got the brains..." That scene at the beginning was so damn good with the effects. Nothing quite like practical effects of the 80s
It was absolutely stomach turning and was the peak of what was possible via practical effects of time
so many of those movies in the meh category being a mid freddy movie still leaves it near the top lol. its actually my favorite after the original
Its probably my favorite of the group too because it's just so weirdly different. Not even in a bad way either just a "this being tied to a Freddy movie is actively dragging it down" kinda way. I still get messed up by the transformation scene.
I liked. Didn’t know people didn’t or it a recent thing? 15 years ago it seemed pretty universally liked.
Sorry, I’m pretty tired & words are missing all over the place. Full time dunce.