
Sunak implying David Tennant is racist for telling Badenoch to stop being a transphobe is a good reminder that the powerful regard all moral values and all forms of tolerance solely as tools to deploy to allow them to do whatever they want and to prevent the rest of us from doing anything.
As people have rightly pointed out with comparisons to Diane Abbott and Frank Hester, for the powerful something like anti-racism isn't a universal thing. You only get protection from racism if you're useful to the powerful.
Their entire conceptual structure is binary. If something is Bad it is by definition only done by Bad People who aren't like them.
I love that Badenoch, the Minister for Women and Equalities, doesn't think that being "the only black woman in government" might in fact be a problem.
I love that she's more interested in being a transphobic moobag than she is in doing her actual fucking job...
The good news is she definitely won’t have that job for much longer She may not have a job at all, depending lol
Pinning my hopes on her being cast into the political wilderness and never heard from again.
To be as fair as possible to sunak. Badenoch implied it first. She attempted to silence David Tennant by implying he’s racist by attacking her views on something that has nothing to do with race.
Okay, minor correction, when talking about how letting people be who they want to be is just common sense, he did say the words ‘until Kemi Badenoch doesn’t exist anymore.’ Immediately following that us with ‘I don’t wish her ill, I just wish she’d shut up’. Clearly talking about her transphobia.
At the time he’s literally holding an award he just got for, as far as I can tell, supporting the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. It’s clearly him talking about her hate speech. She’s obviously taken that one line and pretending he’s being racist.
I can't help but think that maybe she wouldn't be the only black woman (currently, temporarily) in government if she wasn't a member of a party that has an undercurrent of racism in its heart.
I hate when people act like the fact that they do this makes the words meaningless and we have to find new ones. They're trying to declare conceptual ownership and that attitude grants it. (Not saying you're doing this here at all it's just smth I see a lot)