
What an absolutely awful headline. What is the "about face"? In his statement, he brags about overturning Roe and endorses state restrictions on abortion. He didn't explicitly endorse a federal ban in this speech, but he clearly would sign it if Congress passes one.
Trump’s About-Face on After months of mixed signals, the former president said abortion rights should be left to the states.
This headline is so enraging.
Incredibly. The whole podcast is so incredibly credulous. It not only mischaracterizes what Trump actually said, it also makes it seem as if this is some new "policy" that he is putting forward, when it was just a bunch of word salad and it is absolutely clear what he will do, if elected.
and is a re-do of his "plausible deniability" tactic (Not my fault -- it's what the state's decided)
‪In 2016 I told my wife if Trump gets in he will nominate ultra conservative justices to the Supreme Court and they’ll overturn Roe vs Wade. She thought I was crazy. Now I’m telling everyone that if Trump gets elected in 2024, Arizona is going to be the blueprint for the nation‬
This is what propaganda looks like. The closer it gets towards elections the more they soften the message and then next thing you know they'll be saying what a loving, god-fearing family man he is. MSM has done that in numerous elections.