
Ironically, JFK is broadly remembered for his youth and vigor while being one of our sickliest, most drugged up presidents
Lincoln: Marfan's, and terrible pain. Depression. FDR: Polio, and partial paralysis Kennedy*: Addison's and terrible pain * not a great President! But remembered incredibly fondly by a lot of boomers.
wondered who the healthiest president would've been, and accidentally gave my brain a splinter with the intrusive thought "if he was around today Teddy would be a CrossFit Sicko"
Arguably we've done the experiment, we know the healthiest President and it's not even close.
And, yes, TR was surely our most macho President, but that doesn't mean he was at any time in his life the healthiest.
I feel like JQ Adams is probably under-rated here too; wasn't he a big-time swimmer like his whole life