
What I personally like about voting is that it takes very little time to do and sometimes you get to be a very tiny part of a terrible day for Republicans
Every person and issue I voted for was a winner. I will never get tired of that feeling.
Very little time to do, of course, varies by jurisdiction /Remembers waiting for 3 hours to vote in 2016
For sure, it's definitely more of an investment in some places than others All the same, I definitely spend more than that fucking around on the Internet most days
It was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day for the ARs. Nothing at all was right. Everything went wrong,
Exactly, Voting is a low effort. activity. Even if you're not wild about the choices, why not do it? It may not spin the needle around the dial, but it might move it a fraction, or not, or not go backwards. It's not a monumental sacrifice to make. Show up. Vote. Go home, trim your nails or whatever.
Sometime I take voting in Oregon for granted. Universal registration at DMV, vote by mail. So so easy.
But that means taking responsibility.