Frank Vehafric

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Frank Vehafric

Semi retired union rep, Oregon is home. I travel when I can afford it, interests in human origins, photography, fly fishing and restoring our US public lands..
Today's homemade: mozzarella, fontina, romano cheese, some chunks of genoa salami, dotted with nduja sausage, onion, jalapeno, sweet yellow peppers. The nduja- spicier than pepperoni with Calabrian peppers, slightly sweet, and slightly smoked, it renders into a little puddle of flavored cured pork.
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Look. I could get a gun and shoot myself in the dick, maybe bleed out and die if I'm lucky, or I could stop gooning over my insecurities. We'll lose this democracy, this republic, because we have fee fees and tingles and anxiety.
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Reposted byAvatar Frank Vehafric
That's why I shop at the unionized grocery store. If you can afford ethical, it behooves you to do so. Your alright!
Reposted byAvatar Frank Vehafric
THERE’S A QUIET NEW DEAL GOING ON The antidote to Project 2025 is happening now and will die if Trump seizes power. So let’s make some noise.
Why is The Quiet New Deal so quiet? | the earlyworm Get more from the earlyworm society on Patreon
Sometimes the best choice we can make, will still leave us feeling sad and a bit helpless, caught in the meatgrinder of the world. That's the way choices work. The idea that we can escape the moral consequences of a choice by refusing to choose is a delusion.
Reposted byAvatar Frank Vehafric
The mayor of Portage, Indiana, steered over $1 million in city contracts to a truck dealership, which then wrote him a $13,000 check. The conservatives on SCOTUS—with extensive experience in being lavished with gifts after favorable rulings—say this is very legal and very cool.
Reposted byAvatar Frank Vehafric
Glenn Levy Donald Trump stole nuclear secrets and other classified docs, and refused to return them. His appointed "judge" is stonewalling to help her benefactor. In a normal world, that would be front page news every day of the week.
Reposted byAvatar Frank Vehafric
Reposted byAvatar Frank Vehafric
Reposted byAvatar Frank Vehafric
Reposted byAvatar Frank Vehafric
It was the nearest weapon at hand to club Hillary Clinton with and the press was happy to club her with it along with him
That he ran and won on protecting classified documents is mind boggling.
Reposted byAvatar Frank Vehafric
I’m never going to say that voting is the path to our liberation. But if we don’t want to sacrifice a tremendous amount of Black, brown, Indigenous, queer, trans, and poor people, we HAVE to have both inside AND outside strategies. The system is fucked up. But we cannot concede it.
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It looks like someone’s taking one of those hairless cats to the vet to be euthanized
Reposted byAvatar Frank Vehafric
See, you think money is a thing people acquire because it has uses, such as paying for stuff. Imagine you're a hollow, misanthropic bag of shit with lots of money. You have no purpose or personality, so you make the wealth your personality. You thus have to keep acquiring more to exist.
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This is exactly why she is so good at what she does. She doesn't ever compromise her goals or ideals. But she understands that compromising on process to make gains towards those goals is the key to reaching them and she proudly takes credit from the gains that are made. She's damn good.
Reposted byAvatar Frank Vehafric
Somehow, the ads Secretary Clinton used made a subsection of people more likely to vote for trump. They attempted to highlight his words as bad. But they came from an establishment mentality. So they ended up spreading his message to more people.
Reposted byAvatar Frank Vehafric
No, you're supposed to pretend Biden and Trump are the same, and that Trump will potentially be an improvement over Biden on Gaza
Reposted byAvatar Frank Vehafric
Biden's second term would almost certainly make his the most consequential presidency for climate change in American history. Trump's second term would also almost certainly make his the most consequential presidency for climate change in American history. For very, very different reasons.
Reposted byAvatar Frank Vehafric
It's almost as if voting were a lifelong responsibility.
Reposted byAvatar Frank Vehafric
Probably not, if you want to reclaim the Court you’re going to need to vote in 2028 too.
Reposted byAvatar Frank Vehafric
Some people who are very stupid are saying stupid shit in the replies here. I am blocking them. Some of you are trying to argue with these people as if they are expressing a reasonable and defensible point of view. This is clogging my mentions and wasting your time.
Reposted byAvatar Frank Vehafric
A lot of things that Biden wants to do are things I think are good things we should do. A lot of things Trump wants to do are things I think are bad things we shouldn't do. Therefore I will be supporting Biden even though I don't agree with him on everything. This is not complicated.
Excited to introduce a project I've been working on for a long time: a thorough comparison of Biden and Trump on the issues. "The stakes, not the odds," to borrow from Jay Rosen. The initial version has 6 topics, but I'll be adding more, as well as updating with new statements/policies. Gift link:
Where Joe Biden and Donald Trump Stand on the Here’s what President Biden and former President Donald J. Trump have done and want to do on abortion, democracy, the economy, immigration, Israel and Gaza, and Social Security and Medicare.
Reposted byAvatar Frank Vehafric
Reposted byAvatar Frank Vehafric
one of the "progressives" quoted here leads an explicitly anti-Semitic organization that forbids members from speaking to "the Zionist media" and praised Hamas on its website if you want to know how deep Bloomberg had to dig to find a source to meet the headline someone's editor demanded
AOC's evolution from activist to pragmatist supporting Joe Biden's reelection is roiling some progressives
AOC Is Getting Too Mainstream for Her Progressive New Yorker known as AOC is Biden campaign emissary to young, minority voters.
Reposted byAvatar Frank Vehafric
Oh no! She is gaining allies in the party and climbing the ranks of seniority to a place where she can be more effective.
Reposted byAvatar Frank Vehafric
To underscore this very important point... The chief source of contemporary "lizard people" claims is David Icke, who actually used the antisemitic forgery _The Protocols of the Elders of Zion_ as a source in laying out his ideas. That's how fundamentally antisemitic the lizard people thing is.
It’s worth remembering that “lizard people” is an extreme version of antisemitism. There are people who don’t explicitly connect to Jews, and maybe they even don’t know, but the origins of conspiracy theory are 100% about us.
Reposted byAvatar Frank Vehafric
like she literally hasn't changed her positions at all. One of my favorite subplots these last four years is how Biden's biggest policy champions are the progressives and it's the centrist dipshits dragging their feet.
Reposted byAvatar Frank Vehafric
they also don't vote and if they did vote it'd be a coinflip if they'd vote for GOP or Democrats
Reposted byAvatar Frank Vehafric
just keep that in the back of your mind next time you encounter someone like this in the wild, they don’t matter, they don’t exist electorally, don’t fool yourself into thinking they’re worth arguing with