
10 years ago, gay Americans could not get married and have it count in all 50 states 20 years ago, you could be made uninsurable because you got sick once 30 years ago, HIV was a death sentence 40 years ago, acid rain was still a problem Dedicated public servants keep pushing good things forward
Don’t mean to be too bong-rippy here, but I honestly think it comes from a lot of people (and Western philosophers/critical theorists in the past) undervaluing the awesome but gentle power of persuasion and implementing systems of social consensus, and overvaluing ideals of β€œpower” or β€œcontrol”.
It's simply because 10,000 years of society doesn't erase 2.5 million years of evolution (plus, hundreds of millions of years going back). We're primates, and primates establish hierarchy primarily from "might makes right".
Yeah? And? We're primates that over the millenia learned magic through poisoned sand, and are continuously evolving Calling us "just primates" is throwing your hands up and saying nothing can be done.
Saying we're primates is acknowledging that reality is numerous layers of truth nested and interwoven with each other. We are animals, that are mammals, that are primates, that are hominids, called humans.