Learning Laser

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Learning Laser


Science Comedy and other kinds of fun.
"Return to Grace" with a new option I want in every relevant game as standard. I'm not buying things to break my fingers! I'm over 40 so I'm like Voyager, I've only got a finite number of rotations left in each joint before serious problems!
Also Return to Grace with just gorgeous scenes
One of my happiest online memories is using this meme for someone who'd get it and who it just then applied to (with different names)
If I told you these gorgeous looking things where Tom yung goong soup flavored banana chips you wouldn't believe me, which is good, because if you did believe me you'd want some and I've already eaten them all.
Absolutely magnificent Thunderbirds-Tonka megatech making the world a better place
Writing my thoughts down improves them so much, if I could install a Numskull with a keyboard in there I'd be superpowered
ME: All the ducks are in a row, time for some high-productivity days! MY KID'S DIGESTIVE SYSTEM: Not so fast! ME: Haha, spending time with my kid is even *better* than productive!
Congratulations from Neutrino and Striker
Neutrino unimpressed by a blissful Baize
DANDY SMOKE and BLAZING PINEAPPLE: obviously Pacific Rim Jaegers, also the first non-alcoholic spirits I've found which understand that non-alc spirits are by definition missing something and actively try to do something about it. They crank up their flavour depth and are real nice!
People complained that Chengdu zoo was letting their clouded leopard get fat, their expert explained "This cat is like thirty years old, that's twice as old clouded leopards GET, and he's just had major surgery. Making him lose weight would do WAY more harm, just let him have this."
You're not wrong, but give me the gloriously Newtonian Starfury any day!
The Forever Winter with interesting looking game, and rich new meme image potential
Btw if you're like me and you fucking love video games where you're not the protagonist, Forever Winter is a game to really keep an eye on. You're a scavenger caught between two titanic warring factions that have mechas and superheavy tanks running around and you gotta stay unthreatening to survive.
The Forever Winter on Steamstore.steampowered.com The Forever Winter is a co-op tactical survival horror shooter where you and your squad must loot the dead to survive under the shadow of terrifying and gargantuan war machines locked in a never-endin...
I know it's a warning but it makes me picture slow yellow and black striped horses for use in careful situations
Even the news feed doesn't believe it's own bullshit advertorials
Niche nerd destination! Hope you're enjoying the trip despite all the shenanigans
Bandcamp knows how to make me press play IMMEDIATELY
Improvised peril sensitive glasses applied!
Actually rewatching B5, hugely enjoying all the things you pick up second time round when you know what's coming!
A lovely little graph gag, even if they got the axes the wrong way around.
May we all be as happy as Striker in sunlight!
O'Brien AND Niles in an Outer Limits episode
Even the hardest fromsoft game explicitly tells players "just do whatever to win", but we still spawn cults self-flagellating with "You're not allowed to use summons/good weapons/buttons"
Marvel FACT: Renaming Honey Badger as Scout was and will always be cowardice
Hey @lirhyapetitpain.bsky.social LOVE the pure fan energy you bring to the feeds. What are your thoughts on the Ultimate Peter Wisdom Leader?
Not that this guy sees himself having any problem in then
There are scientific disco balls orbiting the Earth, and they'll stay up so long they have picture plates inside showing the continent positions when they launched and are expected to come down so that whatever species finds them can see.