
the european mind cannot comprehend this photo
Sometimes I get annoyed by all the American leftist handwringing about fireworks and literally TODAY I realized you guys probably do fireworks differently from us in a way that is worse and which I could not come up with on my own
i may have missed something—is there a particular way ppl are upset about them leftishly?
Yes! “You people care more about scaring dogs than triggering your human neighbours with psychiatric disabilities” is the main lefty flavour I see, and my reaction has been a vague “idk anyone for whom this is a problem, fireworks happen for 20 scheduled minutes 3 times a year” but today I Realized
I’m gonna guess Americans as a whole maybe don’t consider fireworks to be a thing the local government provides on specific holidays at a set time in a park or waterfront location lol I would probably be mad about fireworks if randos set them off in their yards at whatever time seemed good!!
i like how you can tell that its an idiosyncratic online leftism because it's a complaint about people caring about the wrong thing. fireworks *are* a once or twice a year thing done by the local gov't on particular nights. i think those ppl are just unpleasant, not american specifically.
people certainly run amok setting them off in neighborhoods too, esp around the 4th. (they're not supposed to, but whatevs). but if what i've heard about vancouver on halloween is true...canadians do sometimes too?
Not one person in that photo is smiling or enjoy themselves even remotely! Welcome to 'merrica!
parade hadn't started yet, tensions were running high