
look at that cover. just look at it. a behold cover if there ever was one
#RS500 192 One of the biggest albums of my high school days, not just bc it made my Stuy Phys Ed shirt instantly cool. Haven't listened in years under the impression it didn't age well but cartoonish misogyny aside it kinda has. The swagger and chaos of classic Looney Tunes. Fave song: The New Style
let’s remember some guys, album cover edition
for $5,000 would you fight prime johnny paycheck
if you haven’t ever imagined you lived in this cover I don’t want to know you
there’s a story about this dog I heard once but I can’t remember a thing about it and it may have all been made up but that just means you can make up your own story
just the coolest dude alive giving you the oh hi there
the theme here is there are covers, and then there are *covers*
every time I play this album someone thinks I’m looking at porn. mick you absolute scamp
let’s get unbearably maudlin for just a minute while celebrating a top ten banger cover/album combo
alright last one for now and I went back & forth for a while on whether to enter this or the st dominics preview cover but I decided on this one because it’s so goofy and vibrant and van looks about 900% more uncomfortable than he always looks anyway
Van Morrison is the perfect example of why you should separate an artist’s personality from their art. Veedon Fleece is just barely behind Astral Weeks in my Van pantheon.
look I get astral weeks fully but I’m taking veedon fleece every time, just because it is so underloved and I honestly feel it is the perfect midpoint between van being a little timid with his vocals and becoming a little (not much, the man’s voice is a full on instrument) over enamored
Fair Play to Linden Arden to Who Was That Masked Man is a pretty devastating 1-2-3 punch to open a record
as long as we’re at it hardnose the highway is just about nonstop van bangers and absolutely none of it ever gets consideration, especially the quiet close out with purple heather and autumn song
I gotta give that another shot tonight. It’s been a while.
The Great Deception on a Hard Nose is a great track, especially the verse where Van tells the hippies to fuck off.