
I think it’s cool we gave an entire medium a prion disease - it’s like a background detail in a DeLillo book
Daughter downloaded a papercraft project from the internet and asked me for help. It confounded me, too. I paused, baffled. How do i— and it's Ai, of course it is. Looks plausible, actually pure gibberish in pictorial form.
someone notices background actors are being slowly replaced with the same actor - ID’ed as Jared Robinson via IMBD - and the escalation of parts being replaced by Jared is the tempo of the book - JARED CONFINED TO CELLULOID FOR NOW - JARED TAKES OVER FIRST SPEAKING ROLE - DO TORENTS SPREAD JARED?
This is, like, half the idea of the film Anomalisa.
For commentary we now go live to a Hitler Studies professor at College-On-The-Hill for more on how this has impacted his profession.
“We may have semi-intentionally corrupted all 2D visual arts. I’m sure this will have absolutely no long term repercussions at all.”
AI shit is going to be an absolute nightmare for future historians
Only getting more so from here (although it appears that the roon post is just him stupidly riffing on Genesis in general - 'Eden was a black box environment for preparedness testing' is one of the other posts)
Fun new trend - OpenAI staffers shifting to full time menacing crypticposting about the unimaginable force they're about to unleash upon the world, which will also make up for the last year of quiet
What fascinates me is that just like crypto (and perhaps ironically in this instance), there's no accumulated memory - this is the most obvious stopgap 'we're working on it, just give us a min' post, and yet the usual suspects take it as confirmation that the Promised Land is near, every time
Tech guys getting all the types of “when prophecy fails” shit
Meanwhile, the new trend is trying to prove whether these things 'reason' or not by deliberately twisting old riddles and seeing if it can successfully modify its source data
Oh, and I almost forgot - they're responding to the new polls showing growing negativity towards AI by saying that the pollsters are biased, thereby moving themselves that quarter-inch further to mainstream Republicanism
Roon specifically is a very minor but I think very interesting propagandist for the techno-futurist fashy trend
Yeah, I discovered him last year but only recently found out he worked for OpenAI - here's his hilariously padded LinkedIn profile (he graduated valedictorian AND summa cum laude, and created 'eight figures' worth of profit for Facebook with one bug fix)
Looking around for that, I also found out that like every other annoying tech trend, there's a fan wiki for the e/acc nonsense and he rates an entry
Roon - e/acc
YES, this aspect specifically, with all the stops and starts and failed promises, is unfolding just like crypto. Makes me wonder if we're starting to see the AI bubble start to grow out of control because this is about the point where crypto's bubble really started growing like crazy.
At a minimum, if I were an investor putting a lot into AI, I'd be getting very, very nervous right about now. This is the point in time where the failure of crypto to deliver on its endless promises started undermining its positioning.
spongiform encyberopathy
Literally the same method of infection, feeding your cows to cows - feeding for AI data from the AI
How do you burn the modern Library of Alexandria; with a digital dumpster fire
they haven't managed to burn the Library of Alexandria but they have done something similarly awful they have built the Library of Babel directly on top of it the good stuff is still there! people are still writing it but now you have to dig through a fractally infinite pile of SHIT to reach it
hey, the Library of Babel at least gave people a roof and a place to exist in without fear of being replaced!
if language is the river of god, then the disarticulating nonsense of ai is an evil god, or the return of a primordial chaos, or both
it’s the Family Guy clone episode