Archie Carter

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Archie Carter

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So what’s the positive case for Biden because there sure doesn’t seem to be one!
The good thing is that we the people can still call on him to drop out
I don’t think President Biden actually convinced Congressional Democrats that he’s going to be able to make it through the election. He just raised the costs of defection high enough to make the collective action problem insurmountable. But, what will happen after the next disastrous appearance?
My grandpa developed Parkinson’s in his 80’s it just happens when you’re old
I think somebody who has incomplete info must have leaked something about Parkinson’s to the NYT and possibly the rest of the WHPC. it seems likely that his medical team is in fact keeping an eye out for Parkinson’s
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New Popular Front's program to simultaneously support Ukraine in its war for national defense and Palestine in its fight against apartheid is, and should be, the standard for the Left.
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He who watches the sea doesn’t know the sea. He who sits by the shore doesn’t know the sea. And he who comes only to look doesn’t know the sea. Only he who dives knows the sea.
Reposted byAvatar Archie Carter
Jean-Luc Melenchon's bloc did well because he's ugly
This could be us but we have a dumbass constitution from before germ theory
Macron on tactical voting: RN is dangerous, yes, but ah les wokistes are très radical average Macronist parliamentary candidate: as I have lairned eet would be "une crime" to physicalée attaque Madame Le Pen I must settle for endorsing ze Communist in ze runoff
Reposted byAvatar Archie Carter
French fascists are the biggest losers because they’re all Catholic so they think all the actually cool things about French culture like smoking and horniness are degeneracy
As someone who was bullied and also bullied, I think it’s a sad but banal fact of life that humanity copes with the experience of misery by enacting misery.
Something I am struggling with: cruelty, in all its forms, appeals to a whole hell of a lot of people. There’s not much to the GOP apart from vulgar cruelty and still they’re viable basically everywhere. No hope, no message, no answers… just stepping on vulnerable people for the thrill of it.
This is one of those things where it’s so plainly mean and evil where it’s hard to believe someone would do it
As a side note, this is John McEntee, Trump's Director of White House Personnel and the primary architect of Project 2025. On Tik Tok he said he gives counterfeit bills to homeless people so they will be arrested when they go to spend them.
Honestly he seemed fine but that man is not winning he was still trailing off and incapable of finishing his thought or articulating a point
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the Congressional Progressives vote on Monday on their stance btw
I get really sad and cry when I think about the possibility of civil war and the pursuant breakdown in society. I think people really take for granted the good thing we got going!
i mean an actual revolution would kill millions just from the collapse of all government services, to say nothing of sectarian conflict and pogroms. a lot of social media revolutionaries might just die. many would. i think it’s worth avoiding if we can!
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I wrote for More Perfect Union about the Biden administrations proposal to implement new protections for workers who are agonizing under extreme heat.
Biden Proposes Protecting Workers from Extreme Heat and Their Own State “This regulation will save lives,” one union leader said.
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Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
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ive said it many times but it's truly amazing that america is so calvinist that we've created marxism-calvinism
Reposted byAvatar Archie Carter
Agree. I think it's more accurate to say those leftist spaces are evangelical: you need to accept [fill in the political position] as your personal savior.
Not to make a meme out of a great book but I’m less worried the Dirty War and more worried about the Jakarta Method. A lot of American reactionary agitprop rhymes awfully well with the types of stories promoted by the military in Indonesia before launching a coup…
If Trump were to be reelected and went on a purge of similar bloodiness per capita to the Dirty War in Pinochet's junta in Argentina, that would mean ~350,000 dead Americans.
There’s less than 100k DSA members…
If Trump were to be reelected and went on a purge of similar bloodiness per capita to the Dirty War in Pinochet's junta in Argentina, that would mean ~350,000 dead Americans.
Woodrow Wilson, FDR, JFK…if anything being disabled is a feature of the office
There it is: A position completely untethered from empirical evidence, as ridiculous analytically as it is dangerous politically, propagated by anti-liberal leftwing intellectuals who are solely animated by their disdain for “the Libs” and have abandoned any regard for accuracy.
I’m going to tear my hair out
the finger pointing between the left and the center if Trump wins is going to be unbearable
This was incredibly enlightening at the time I heard it and the truth of the matter has only gone on to reveal itself time and again. I think there must be a super structural bias for this behavior to occur so frequently.
A few years ago, Jon Lovett floated a theory that media treats Democrats like protagonists - to be challenged, accounted, and forced to be behave in growth-oriented ways - while the GOP are treated like antagonists - immutable, expected to disrupt, thematic obstacles. Thinking about that a lot.
Listening to Gen X/Boomers extol the virtues and use cases of Chat GPT, and I’ve never felt more defeated
As a honest American citizen I agree but as a DSA hack above all, let me tell you how ‘frail’ the federal gov was in responding to Florida’s oppression of trans youth.
once again its very cute that everyone who has poisoned their brains thinks that this election is going to be about anything other than abortion, the thing donald trump looked down the barrel of a camera and said it was good to ban
Holy fucking shit Biden sounds old and decrepit and has a gaze like he’s trying really really hard to speak right
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in the post revolutionary people's republic of Gaia there will be exactly one use of AI: a Clippy bot that asks "check here to certify you are actually responding to the OP instead of a tangentially related thought in your own head" before you are permitted to post
This man thinks ideas form the basis of reality boo him 👇
Look, maybe it wasn't Gaza that got Bowman ousted, but it seems plausible, and maybe there's a lesson here about the electoral reality of being pro-Palestine in this country
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For those who aren't on Twitter anymore a few months ago I popularized a saying that Jamaal Bowman uttered back in 2021 "looking good, sounding good, feeling good" with a viral edit that has crazy dance music overlayed on top of it and now it's on official AOC signs and is a DSA go-to phrase lol
Reposted byAvatar Archie Carter
Got news the other day that some of the best english-language Arab journalists in the region are struggling for work. There’s seemingly been a schism in much of the media. Arabs working in foreign languages won’t continue allowing double standards on Palestine & western outlets won’t reform.