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Mostly just art, video games, anime, figures and cats - They/them - 30+
Drawing buddies! Laying in bed, drawing on the iPad, listening to SCP audio adaptations, both cats, can't complain 👍
How many facial lines and crevices are you supposed to draw with harsh black lines and how many are you supposed to leave to the viewers imagination? 😀
Reposted byAvatar Lee
if i’m walking hauntingly out on the moor and there isn’t a swirling mist behind me i swear to god
Okay, I need everyone to start hyping me up now so I can build up the courage to start going to this. I need to 1) get out of the house and 2) meet and talk to other people 😐 Absolutely terrifying
Im getting wrecked by bad blorbo takes over on twitter 😩 Why doesnt everyone cater everything I like to me specifically? I have so little. Please. Just give me my terrible men. (this is a joke)
You cant ever convince me Dabi has perfectly sculpted abs. Or abs at all. 😐
Um okay, Community Update #28. Hes not THAT busy. 🙄
SIIGGGHHH Okay fine, I'll support another plushie order. He has little teddy bear ears 🥹
LOL at Larian's most recent Instagram post. 😂 Ah, they seem like funny people. But seriously. Larian. I know you said no more new content, but when are you adding the Gortash kissing scene? 😐
Reposted byAvatar Lee
#endhawks 📌 Small bird with big dreams
Toby knows that when the dryer stops and I start folding laundry, that he can jump in and take a nap in there cus it's warm
It is very funny that I get home and lay down to cool down from the heat and Toby IMMEDIATELY gets up from where he was sleeping to come over and lay on me instead 😂
Me: (in bed, chillin') Mya: time to snuggle me! Me: okay time to get up. (Moves to couch) Toby: time to snuggle me! What I'm saying is that I have done nothing except pet cats all morning. Not complaining 😎
How can he be so cute? 😭🥹
Every time I see sexy fanart of Gortash and they've given him gray hairs, I fist pump with my heart. Yes! Objectify that middle aged man! 👏
Went out and saw 1) a yard with at least 5 "don't poop here" signs which only made me wish I had a dog so we could go poop there exclusively. And 2) a guy was set up in his driveway with an easel painting his flower garden. The cutest! Love it!
Auto play gives me Centhron's De Sade. Havent heard it before. Its not bad. Digging it. Then the feminine opera-esque singing starts and Im IN LOVE.
BG3 Wait a minute, Astarion is 5'9? I have a stream on in the BG and they are talking about companion heights. Why did I assume he was all tall and willowy? Hes just. Normal height. Huh. Maybe I thought he was taller because hes always looking down on everyone. Hoo hah! 😂
The hair is really difficult! I spent a long time on the bangs and they don't even look good 😂
Oh it shipped tee hee hee 🍔🤡
InuYasha's blushing face. Shippo's face and little toe beans 🥰
A small update. The face is small and the oil pastels are not. It's difficult to make nice crisp details but I'm not unhappy with the results so far
I know its the middle of the summer but today is such a "cuddle up on the couch with a blanket and hot chocolate to watch movies all night" kind of day
Reposted byAvatar Lee
Since I recently discovered the voice actor for Asterion and Heisnberg from Resident Evil Village is the same person, I've decided to post this unnecessarily horny comic. Enjoy! (or not, I'm not the boss of you)
I'm so evil I'm so bad But don't be sad Don't be sad
She steals your spot on the couch and then looks at you like this, what do you do?
Sometimes its nice to not be fluent in another language so you can enjoy music in peace and not understand when they stuff like this 😂 Just gonna add this to the list of "terribly, terribly unsexy lyrics"
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I have a sketch all ready to go for a new oil pastel portrait, I kind of want to record the process. I havent made an art video in quite a while. Editing video is a lot of work! But Im kind of feeling it again 🤔
Deku, noooo! Watch what you're doing! Put the tray down on a flat surface! That's a blade you're using! Knife safety!! 😱