
I have said it before and I'll say it again: When Milo Y. spoke at University of Washington in 2016 the administration said there was nothing they could do, and SOMEONE GOT SHOT AT THE EVENT. And the university did nothing.
I didn't see anyone talking about antisemitism when neo-Nazis were matching in the streets and, where I taught at the time, booking the biggest performance venue on campus. The university said their hands were tied. They didn't protect their students from the possibility of racist violence.
I feel like this should have been much bigger news at the time but I never saw anyone outside the UW community talk about it. An attendee shot a street medic there to keep the crowd safe in case there was violence. Nearly killed him. And the administration did nothing, and never apologized.
We protested on campus afterward. The president came down to talk to us (heavily guarded by police from us scary students) and told us she knew what we were going through because she lost her brother to white supremacist violence. We said great, what are you going to do about this? She said nothing.
She used her marginalized identity as a shield from criticism, and in doing so sided with the college fascists who brought violence to our campus and endangered our community. Universities are complicit in fascism and always have been.
BTW—I got the date wrong. This was in 2017, not 2016. My mistake.
I was there. Inauguration Day. Marched from Dowtown, up Capitol Hill, over the University Bridge, and got to Red Square just about the time of the shooting. Not more than a brief mention in national news. Or the cop’s brother who drove into a crowd and shot a BlM protestor trying to stop him.
I was there too! Made that long march. Fuck Milo.
lol, and this is exactly why I think it'll be so On Brand if UW decides to react to any potential encampment on campus with bringing in SPD. President Cauce and her staff talk a big game but nope, I remember that *vividly* and remember the "But don't you care about freeze peach" email responses!
I did not know any of this. It's shocking.
It was a pretty horrifying turn of events and a very scary time on campus. It's so strange to me that it wasn't bigger news.
Yes. That's maybe the most shocking aspect of it. It's all nauseating.
I feel like this is something that would come up in class at Evans somewhere in two years here and I'm shocked I'm hearing about it online instead of literally anywhere in "progressive" policy space.
I don’t think the whole nation is antisemitic i think that’s being weaponized to push back against any kind of criticism of Israel I’m Jewish and support the protests and i’m sure I will get a lot of invective comments but I’m just being honest
I don’t think anyone ever said the whole country is antisemitic. The right & conservative liberals have used it to deflect criticism of Israel but there is absolutely a problem with white supremacy here in the States and some leftists have let their Palestine activism lead them into antisemitism.
I hope they are doing it for the virtuous of reasons and not because of hate I do think some Jewish people are shocked by the response in some way As a Jewish person myself I understand trauma having experienced it personally making me a orphan so I have sympathy for the children
oh you'd be surprised how many antisemites end up there for reasons they think are virtuous. remember what the Christians say about good intentions and all that?
It doesn’t matter if someone “accidentally an antisemitism” when by doing so they give comfortable cover to the folks for whom it’s the whole point
I don’t see antisemitism at all I think of of the phrase being said “river to the sea” a lot say this is antisemitic I personally have a problem with people labeling this as AS because to me they are inserting a lot of assumptions I’m Jewish but how can an Arab be anti semitic ?
Ahem—I'm a Leftist and I don't consider going after anti-Palestinian Zionism to be "antisemitic", and I wonder what YOUR agenda is that you do....
Ahem– 1. That’s not at all what I wrote. Burn that strawman. 2. I have no “agenda”. 3. What is YOUR agenda in making up and assuming things to accuse me of?
Your using "the Left" as a knee-jerk assumption of antisemitism is "agenda" enough for me. What's YOUR excuse for Hating on the Left so much? We're Pro-ALL Semites, including Palestinians—unlike you, it's not a Zero-Sum game where only Bibi the Butcher wins for us.
1. Again: That’s not at all what I wrote. 2. You're misusing "semites" which reveals your lack of info about the situation. 3. You're STILL assuming things about me. I am not anti-leftist, I am not anti-Palestinian. Burn all your strawmen and kindly STFU until you better educate yourself.
"There's nothing we want to do!" is more like.
I haven’t given a dime since and won’t until Cauce is gone.
his speeches were literally fomenting violence by speaking about the great replacement conspiracy theory and sharing pictures of jewish and immigrant faculty and students. and the poor colleges said they couldn't do anything. it was a disgrace
I am still pissed at that
“It was a different time!”
You can’t sell tickets to protests.
For Washington or Oregon, the university protests or anything else kinda go silent cause it isn’t New England and it isn’t California.