
Nobody expected it to be Pikachu. The expectation was that it would be Charizard, which makes a lot more sense (kids love dragons).
OK besides this below and DEVO coming out of the Kent State massacre, what are other facts you have about the evolution of art / music /etc that wouldn't be obvious if you didn't know but, retroactively, explain and/or illuminate a LOT ?
It's Emolga my daughter is obsessed with.
For mine it is Wooloo! She is over the moon for it lol
Which makes sense. My favorite was always Cyndaquil.
Pokemon Yellow’s very existence (internationally even) is a pretty solid testament to this too
Super important question: did the pikachu thing start before or after the anime? Even more important question, though I understand if you can't answer this due to NDAs and confidentiality and the like: do you prefer the original round pikachu or the more modern streamlined pikachu
I have no NDA with Pokémon. (That sentence should strike fear into their hearts, because of what I was in the room for.) The Pikachu thing started along with the anime; it was Pikachu’s unexpected popularity from the anime that made everything change.
That makes sense. Pikachu in the anime was adorable beyond compare. I watched it as a kid (I was born in 90, so you're responsible for a lot of my brainworms), and even though I stopped watching early on, I still tuned back in for the recent final championship ep where Ash and Pikachu finally win.
(But: round or lean pikachu?)
He can answer many things, but not that
It’s more that I only ever knew skinny Pikachu.
I understand. You can't go up against Big Pokémon on the REAL issues. Too dangerous.
To this very day I'm sure my brother would stay with Charizard as his favourite.