
She’s right, of course. Where are all these “small government” “defend the Constitution” types right now?
Watching the GOP reaction to the Supreme Court's "immunity" decision has been instructive. These folks don't "fear" Trump, as we've been told. They want a dictator. They may personally despise him and his smell. But he's their best shot at fascism.
Republican glee over "immunity" decision shows they don't fear Donald Trump — they desire a Trump has threatened to have people killed, and GOP politicians aren't bothered in the slightest
I guess they’re camping with the QAnon “defenders of children” who have exactly zero to say about the new info about how often Trump called up Epstein for “massages”.
No data coverage for any of them. Nobody can get to a phone.
Never existed. Not a for a fucking second. (As you know)
A thought is rolling around my brain, and you're much more sensible and grounded than I, so. How much of a jump is it from Trump v. US to the court holding that a clear Biden electoral victory is invalid? Obviously a Bush v. Gore is always on the table, but what if we get a 2020 win?
Thank you that is terrifying
The basic response if that should happen is that the Court should be squarely ignored.