
Max is saying better than I do a similar point to one I often make: that lawyers are professionally the living embodiment of Lawful Neutral. All our training is to uphold the system and its rules. Individual human lawyers come in all flavors, but our professional spot on the alignment chart is here.
It's a particular type of Lawyer Brain, the Wine Party Lawyer Brain. If your job and/or identity is being Mr. Smarty Pants who comes up with abstractions to explain away current events as fitting some principled form only you can see, then you'll just keep making up those forms no matter what.
Sometimes I feel like getting out of the industry/practice is almost the only way to both know stuff about law but also be cured of what it is that law school does to you
tbf there's a reason it's called *rules lawyering* when applied to play. the pattern of behaviour is important in some arenas! but not all.