
Increasingly convinced Lawyer Brain is what paves the path to ruin more so than any other category of Brain
constitutional lawyers use your fucking brain challenge
It's a particular type of Lawyer Brain, the Wine Party Lawyer Brain. If your job and/or identity is being Mr. Smarty Pants who comes up with abstractions to explain away current events as fitting some principled form only you can see, then you'll just keep making up those forms no matter what.
The field really took a dark turn when twee thought experiments started replacing material rigor.
the principle at work here is that he's a fedsoc member who regularly gives paid lectures on "originalism"
And that FedSoc spent money endowing chairs at multiple law schools to make sure their “conservative” point of view would be poisoning the minds of law students.
You have to engage in this kind of sophistry when you’re litigating an actual case, and this is the precedent and you have no choice. Everyone else’s job is to scream “NO” from the mountaintops.
Was one of the reason why I decided against the law school after looking all the mental masturbation on LSAT logic problems.
Wow, I take offense at that, I was quite good at the LSAT, given my experience with mas—uh, nevermind.
My vast experience didn’t help sadly. YMMV
I’m curious about what Neal katyal thinks of all this (by which I mean that I hope he drowns in his next bottle of petrus)
He did a tiktok and is reacting the same way we are, weirdly enough
Chesebro seems like a terrible hang who didn't go to many wine parties, but he comes off that same way: his life is a game of constructing possible worlds. If he pulled off a mostly bloodless coup by inventing a world where the guy who lost the election actually won, he'd be The Most Clever Boy ever
reason #463 not to live in DC again.