Mario Coiro

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Mario Coiro

(Palaeo)Botanist. #Cycads, early #Angiosperms, all sorts of #Leaves. Patron of #plantpaleoart. Ronin. Also food, beer, music, boardgames. He/Him.
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#Sphenobaiera vitimica is an Early #Cretaceous leaf from the Transbaikal region of southeast Russia. The genus Sphenobaiera differs from Baiera-Ginkgoites in not having a true petiole, instead multiple veins extend from a constricted base. #paleobotany #paleoart #aGinkgoaDay
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For #FossilFriday, here's a restoration of the possible life appearance of #Equisetites arenaceus, from the Early Late Triassic of Europe; a horsetail with stems up to 25cm across! I have more information about this on my patreon: #paleobotany #paleoart
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Maybe someone could help me, but how is the FBD tip-dating on a fixed topology with empty data matrix evaluated? Does it actually calculate a likelihood given there is no data? #paleontology #phylogenetics
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We are hiring! Two RA positions at NHM London and a postdoc at University of Sheffield as part of a grant on convergent evolution. We strongly encourage diverse applicants to apply. Feel free to email me or Gavin Thomas for more details or if you have any questions 1/3
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Our primer on MCMC is approved and published! With and and Jölle Barido-Sottani and Chi Zhang (not on Bluesky)
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Day 9 if reposting #aGinkgoaDay: Ginkgoites tigrensis (with an impostor G. ticoensis on the left). #paleobotany #paleontology #paleoart
Today's species is #Ginkgoites #tigrensis (see 2nd post), a #Ginkgo-like leaf from the Early Cretaceous of South America. However unlike many Ginkgoites leaves, G. tigrensis belongs to a different plant, #Karkenia #incurva. #paleobotany #paleoart
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Day 12 of reposting #aGinkgoaDay: Ginkgoites dissecta!!! This'll also be the last day of reposting, as I'm now all caught up! Onwards with some new species! #paleobotany #paleontology #paleoart
Today's taxon is, in my opinion, a particularly attractive species; #Ginkgoites (#Ginkgo) #dissecta is a deeply dissected leaf from the middle #Eocene of NW #USA, which actually co-existed with G. #biloba. #paleobotany #paleoart #paleontology #botany #plants
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This is Cycas multipinnata of China & Vietnam. I’ve never seen this species in the wild, but I was lucky to see it in a private garden in South Florida. Check out those leaves! They are so unlike the leaves of most Cycas species I know. #cycads #Cycadaceae #Botany #PlantScience 🌾🧪
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Most cycads are rare & endangered in the wild, but I’ve been fortunate to run into them occasionally. Up this week: various #cycad photos from past expeditions. This is Microcycas calocoma endemic to w. Cuba. That’s the late Dr. Angela Leiva & me from 30 years ago! 😱 #Zamiaceae
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More time traveling to western Cuba in 1994! This is the aptly named Zamia pumila. Look at those tiny cones! #Zamiaceae #cycads #Botany #PlantScience 🌾🧪
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Left to right: our guide in Honduras, Ramón Martínez, my colleague, Chuck Hubbuch, & Dioon pectinatum. We didn’t see cones or seeds, but I was thrilled to see this genus in the wild. I can’t believe this was 3 decades ago! #Zamiaceae #cycads #Botany #PlantScience 🌾🧪
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In Honduras in 1994, I didn’t know the local common name for a cycad, but when my guides described this plant as “like a fern, but poisonous,” I knew we were on the right track! This is Zamia standleyi, looking very smart. #Zamiaceae #cycads #Botany #PlantScience 🌾🧪
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We spotted this magnificent Cycas rumphii in Papua, Indonesia (the west end of the island of New Guinea), in 1995 while exploring for palms. Apologies for the over-exposed, scanned slide. This, boys and girls, was in the days before digital cameras. #Cycadaceae #cycads #Botany #PlantScience 🌾🧪
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Doing fieldwork in the Solomon Islands in 1995 was great fun. Seeing this towering (and very old?) Cycas bougainvilleana on Guadalcanal was thrilling! #cycads #Cycadaceae #Botany #PlantScience 🌾🧪
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Where I grew up in South Florida, populations of our native cycad, Zamia integrifolia, were devastated by early settlers’ schemes to extract starch from the stems & roots. Later, their habitat was converted to farms & homes. Fortunately, it still survives. #Zamiaceae #cycads #Botany #PlantScience 🌾🧪
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#SciComm is a team effort. I want to shout out to all #scientists who work with #writers like myself. Scientific research can be remarkably complex & nuanced--sometimes making it accessible takes patience, skill & kindness. THANK YOU to those who make the time to do this!! 🧪⚒️
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A few days late because of travel, but back at it with Day 11 of reposting #aGinkgoaDay: Ginkgoites brauniana #FossilFriday #paleontology #paleobotany #paleoart
Another very small leafed species today, #Ginkgoites #brauniana is a many lobed species from the German Wealden which was originally described as a species of #Baiera. Leaves similar to G. brauniana have also been found in the younger USA Potomac Group. #paleobotany #paleoart
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Folks at #Botany2024, tomorrow is your last chance to swing by the ChicagoPress exhibit and say hi to managing editor Here's a photo of him from 2023, showing off his opposable thumb.
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Hi #botany2024 friends, the DEI committee wants to know what you, the community, want to see from BSA and at the annual conference to help make us more inclusive, equitable, and accessible. Submit your suggestions and ideas here:
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Super proud of the great job our @BucknellU students did at tonight’s #Botany2024 poster session.
Big day for the Martine/Sain @BucknellU research group at #Botany2024 today. Please swing by these student posters this evening to chat us up! #solanum #aconitum #PUI #plantjoy
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Day (checks notes) 10 of reposting #aGinkgoaDay: One of the most commonly depicted taxa, Ginkgo apodes. #paleobotany #paleontology #paleoart
Almost late with today's #species, but here's #Ginkgo #apodes! Unlike most species I've spoken about, these #leaves have associated reproductive organs (hence the genus name). These leaves were found in the #Yixian Formation and are some of the smallest of any #Ginkgoales taxa.
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So excited for #Botany2024! Make sure you check out these great posters from students in my group. Zach Smith: “Anatomical traits along n aridity gradient in Australian Cycas”. See you Monday evening in the Exhibit Hall!
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See you Monday evening in the exhibit hall to check out Lena Berry’s poster: “Unraveling the physiological function of leaf anatomical traits in cycads”. #Botany2024
Ameya Baxi: “Beyond Binary: Revealing continuous variation within ultramafic soils and its relevance to fern ecology in the Americas (Part I)”. See you Monday evening in the Exhibit Hall! #Botany2024
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Day 7 of reposting #aGinkgoaDay: Ginkgo adiantoides #fossilfriday #paleobotany #paleontology #paleoart
Today's species is one of the most widespread and long lasting of #Ginkgoales species. This is #Ginkgo #adiantoides! It lived from the latest Cretaceous all the way until the Pliocene and is perhaps the closest relative of the modern #Ginkgobiloba. #paleobotany #paleoart
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Day two of reposting my #aGinkgoaDay: Ginkgoites patagonica! #paleobotany #paleontology #paleoart
Up next is #Ginkgoites #patagonica, a species from the #Eocene of Argentina. This species had leaves with 2-8 narrow round-tiped lobes and is the youngest #Ginkgoales species from the southern hemisphere. #paleobotany #Ginkgo #paleoart #SciComm #plants
the recent #IOPC in Prague has been a weird experience. Students and postdocs treated me differently. Have I already reached academic adulthood? Even if I am far from any stable jobs? I hoped I would be able to hang out with the cool kids for a bit longer...