Dr Susannah Lydon

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Dr Susannah Lydon


Palaeobotany | Scicomm | Associate Prof in Plant Science, Nottingham, UK | Vogon poet | Views my own | She/her
Elysia crispata, the lettuce sea slug! Not a nudibranch but a sacoglossan. This sea slug does something called kleptoplasty, or chloroplast symbiosis. The chloroplasts from the algae they eat is sequestered into their digestive tract and parapodia, letting them go long periods without food!
One Audible credit will get you all ten series of "Jeremy Hardy Speaks To The Nation". A fine way to spend 23 and a half hours of your life, I promise.
trying to think of why it's so easy to spot chatGPT writing even when it's not making stuff up. like it can write in different tones and styles to a degree, but there's still kind of an "overconfident nerd" je ne sais quois to it all
It was so nice to see the Natural History Museum's beautiful new gardens 😍 Well done to everyone involved in bringing this together 👏👏👏 It will be open to the public from tomorrow (18th July)! #geology ⚒️🧪
Assistant Professor - Plant Science botany.fyi/0y3svw This position is a full-time tenure track (ten-month) teaching appointment at SUNY Cobleskill #Botany #PlantScience #PlantSciJobs
This is UK-only data, but the takeaway sure looks like paywalling digitized artwork is not a reliable moneymaker for museums. And if you can’t even turn a profit on artwork, why are some natural history museums still trying to paywall super-niche photos of collections specimens and old exhibits?
How profitable are museum picture libraries and how does their business model intersect with museums’ public missions? 📜 douglasmccarthy.com/2024/07/bala...
Balancing access and income – the dilemma of museum image licensing – Douglas McCarthydouglasmccarthy.com
Pointing out bad special effects in old TV and film just means your imagination has failed. It's not a clever observation.
nothing but respect for @drkmabrams.bsky.social and colleagues for their taxonomic fun with this genus: Draculoides nosferatu Draculoides carmillae Draculoides minae Draculoides akashae Draculoides claudiae Draculoides immortalis Draculoides belalugosii Draculoides christopherleei
Don't make me choose one- they're all so great 🙂. However, there are only a few that have photos with associated habitat e.g. Draculoides bramstokeri
Starfleet is indebted to the inventor of Jefferies tubes, Jeffery S. Tubes
Series C, Episode 01 - Aftermath SERVALAN: Open transmission for immediate relay to Federation fleet command. Message begins. Escort group nine destroyed en route to main battle zone. President Servalan forced down on planet Sarran. Rescue is now your first priority. Repeat: rescue... [1/3]
Aftermathvimeo.com Series C, Episode 01
#Sphenobaiera vitimica is an Early #Cretaceous leaf from the Transbaikal region of southeast Russia. The genus Sphenobaiera differs from Baiera-Ginkgoites in not having a true petiole, instead multiple veins extend from a constricted base. #paleobotany #paleoart #aGinkgoaDay
Shiny new work friend! 🦕
Will you look at that beautiful Wollemia in the foreground 💚
Nine years after retiring Dippy the Diplodocus cast from permanent display, the London NHM has finally made good on their promise to add a bronze replacement to the grounds. Meet Fern! 📷 April O’Neill www.standard.co.uk/news/london/...
Nine years after retiring Dippy the Diplodocus cast from permanent display, the London NHM has finally made good on their promise to add a bronze replacement to the grounds. Meet Fern! 📷 April O’Neill www.standard.co.uk/news/london/...
Worth a read: "This report, however, shows us that disadvantaged students now feel disadvantaged before they even start their course. It also shows that understanding how students feel is as important as understanding where they have come from and what they need practical support."
How current applicants feel about coming to university | Wonkhewonkhe.com Students are changing - and so are the ways that universities should adapt to ensure their success. Sunday Blake gets across some new research
Daniel Craig playing an entire geology department himself:
If you're interested in Folklore, landscape, history, literature, archaeology, psychogeography, the Occult, and general cool stuff, you should come to this. Caution: contains me.
Hungry bugs help us track life’s history. Insect damage on fossil leaves can act as a proxy for insect diversity, like who was eating what before and after the ☄️ 66 million years ago. In that case, there was a mass extinction of insects but new species evolved to take on old roles in the Paleocene
Roadside dinosaurs are perfect & I love them all. These wonky beauties are from a mobile home park (UT), a public park (CO), a highway (AR) & a gas station (AZ), photographed by John Margolies 1972-2008 & in the public domain (along with ~11K more roadside attractions) www.loc.gov/pictures/sea...
Join us in London, Sept 28th-29th, for the 11th TETRAPOD ZOOLOGY CONVENTION, TetZooCon. Talks, events, panel discussions on #dinosaurs #conservation #NaturalHistory #monsters and more, with a UK tour happening afterwards. More info at tetzoo.com/convention
Today's #aGinkgoaDay is one of the less Ginkgo-like leaves. This is Eretmophyllum penalveri; it's an elliptical leaf likely belonging to the plant Nehvizdyella, which was a salt marsh adapted ginkgoalean from the Jurassic and Cretaceous of Laurasia. #paleobotany #paleoart #plants
Very cool new exhibit here at the Sam Noble Museum of Natural History about the history of paleoart & current perspectives toward reconstructing ancient life. In addition to some awesome fossils, this exhibit also displays spectacular artwork by the OU School of Visual Arts
For #FossilFriday, the largest fossil burrow I've seen in person, in Pleistocene rocks of Mar del Plata, Argentina. This burrow was likely made by a large burrowing mammal, such as an (under)ground sloth or giant armadillo. Scale = paleontologists Matias Taglioretti (L) & Yours Truly (R). #ichnology
A lovely friend has reminded me that today is Pylon Appreciation Day. So, over the following hours, I’ll be posting some of my favourites. Happy Pylon Appreciation Day, to all who celebrate 🙂