Julianne Kiely - Commissions Open

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Julianne Kiely - Commissions Open


British Palaeobotanist, palaeobotanical illustrator and consultant, currently researching Mesozoic plants.
🌿Commissions and consulting open!🌿
BSc, MRes
#Sphenobaiera vitimica is an Early #Cretaceous leaf from the Transbaikal region of southeast Russia. The genus Sphenobaiera differs from Baiera-Ginkgoites in not having a true petiole, instead multiple veins extend from a constricted base. #paleobotany #paleoart #aGinkgoaDay
Another Eretmophyllum for #aGinkgoaDay; this one is rather special. Eretmophyllum obtusum is a leaf taxon which is part of the whole plant Nehvizdyella bipartita. This plant was a salt-marsh adapted ginkgoale from the Late Cretaceous of Europe! #paleoart #paleobotany
Today's #aGinkgoaDay is one of the less Ginkgo-like leaves. This is Eretmophyllum penalveri; it's an elliptical leaf likely belonging to the plant Nehvizdyella, which was a salt marsh adapted ginkgoalean from the Jurassic and Cretaceous of Laurasia. #paleobotany #paleoart #plants
I'm going to try and start reposting my #aGinkgoaDay again. Starting off, we're finally moving away from Ginkgo(ites): This is #Baiera aquilonia, from the Early #Cretaceous of the Arctic. Baiera species are primarily differentiated from Ginkgoites in having fewer veins per lobe. #paleoart #plants
Results from a (slightly silly) #paleostream last night. Senshi cooked up a late cretaceous shark; a Cenozoic land croc was an eepy boi; apparently mosasaurs shouldn't have big chests, but I think it's their choice (also a serios attempt); and a leafy triassic reptile. #paleoart
I sometimes wonder if my paleobotanical restorations have much scientific use, outside of just looking pretty; but THIS IS WHY THEY'RE IMPORTANT!!! Palaeo research is driven by perceptions, and perceptions are often based on palaeoart, so it's important beyond just for education.
For #FossilFriday, here's a restoration of the possible life appearance of #Equisetites arenaceus, from the Early Late Triassic of Europe; a horsetail with stems up to 25cm across! I have more information about this on my patreon: www.patreon.com/posts/107353... #paleobotany #paleoart
If like me you are a #Neurodivergent scientist with #Dyslexia and #dyscalculia that struggles with maths and programming. Check out JASP, a stats package with drag and drop functionality jasp-stats.org/download/ It also has teaching modules, and produces R code for what you are doing.
If you see this, post a bird! I don't know if I've posted this here before or not, but here's a digital painting of a microraptoran from a few years ago. #paleoart #paleontology #birds
If you see this, post a bird! 3d printed Confuciusornis skulls. Confuciusornis was a prehistoric bird, the first known with a beak (I think). #bird #art 🐡
Tonight haul from #Paleostream: Missed the first drawing, but managed to do a tube-nosed Pelagornis, a sleepy Platyhystrix, and an Astrodon tooth caught on a Drewria seedling. #paleoart #paleontology #FossilFriday
My partner's giving a talk later on about some Carcharodontosaurus remains, so here's a relatively quick restoration I made for her to use! It's nice to draw the occasional dinosaur. Good luck Alex, you'll smash it! #FossilFriday #paleoart #Paleontology #dinosaurs
Evidence of primary feather molting in confuciusornithiforms: royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/... 🪶🧪 (📷Wang et al.)
#Fossil grapes! Cenozoic seeds of Vitaceae reveal a deep history of extinction and dispersal in the Neotropics Fabiany Herrera, Mónica R. Carvalho, Gregory W. Stull, Carlos Jaramillo, Steven R. Manchester (Artistic reconstruction by Pollyanna von Knorring)
I have a couple of new posts on my Patreon, looking at the interactions between sauropods and some unusually large horsetails. If you're interested in #paleobotany and/or #paleoart, please consider supporting me! #dinosaurs #paleontology www.patreon.com/posts/superg...
I've been thinking about #Equisetum this evening... and I've been doing some *very* basic maths on them which have already given some interesting preliminary results... with some paleoartistic implications👀. #paleoart #botany #paleobotany #plants 🌿🌱
Day 12 of reposting #aGinkgoaDay: Ginkgoites dissecta!!! This'll also be the last day of reposting, as I'm now all caught up! Onwards with some new species! #paleobotany #paleontology #paleoart
Today's taxon is, in my opinion, a particularly attractive species; #Ginkgoites (#Ginkgo) #dissecta is a deeply dissected leaf from the middle #Eocene of NW #USA, which actually co-existed with G. #biloba. #paleobotany #paleoart #paleontology #botany #plants
A few days late because of travel, but back at it with Day 11 of reposting #aGinkgoaDay: Ginkgoites brauniana #FossilFriday #paleontology #paleobotany #paleoart
Another very small leafed species today, #Ginkgoites #brauniana is a many lobed species from the German Wealden which was originally described as a species of #Baiera. Leaves similar to G. brauniana have also been found in the younger USA Potomac Group. #paleobotany #paleoart
New open-access paper for #FossilFriday! Richard Hing and I examine the idea that griffins were inspired by the horned #dinosaurs Protoceratops, concluding that the idea is non-evidenced at best, and outright problematic at worst. Check it out here: journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/...
Peony flowers are perfect examples of #apocarpy, as their carpels are large and easy to see. This is Paeony mascula, whose 3 free carpels are visible, even without dissecting the flower. It's another reason to love #peonies! #Paeoniaceae #Botany #PlantScience 🌾🧪
🌳🌱🌾🍄🌎🌴🧪 Seeds of some plants float away, but on water, not air. Seed structure remains buoyant to take the plant tens, hundreds, thousands of miles before new land and germination. Islands colonised. Examples are sea beans, coconuts, mangroves, sea grass. #BUC2024
The PalaeoGames #dinosaur themed tabletop roleplaying book I helped to illustrate, Dr Dhrolin's Dictionary of Dinosaurs, is being adapted for Pathfinder. Want science-informed extinct species in your Pathfinder adventures? This is the Kickstarter for you! www.kickstarter.com/projects/pal...
Pathfinder Second Ed.: Dr Dhrolin's Dictionary of Dinosaurswww.kickstarter.com A palaeontology-themed supplement for tabletop roleplaying games.
There’s no better example of a gynoecium of free carpels (= apocarpy) than Drimys winteri (detail of image taken by the late Sherwin Carlquist). The 7 green carpels in the center of the flower enclose the ovules. #Apocarpy is the subject of this week’s posts. #Winteraceae #Botany #PlantScience 🌾🧪
Everyone thinks of ferns as big, elegant frondy plants, but they also have a phase of their life where they live as a separate, squat, amorphous green blob. In case that makes you feel better.
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
Day (checks notes) 10 of reposting #aGinkgoaDay: One of the most commonly depicted taxa, Ginkgo apodes. #paleobotany #paleontology #paleoart
Almost late with today's #species, but here's #Ginkgo #apodes! Unlike most species I've spoken about, these #leaves have associated reproductive organs (hence the genus name). These leaves were found in the #Yixian Formation and are some of the smallest of any #Ginkgoales taxa.
Day 9 if reposting #aGinkgoaDay: Ginkgoites tigrensis (with an impostor G. ticoensis on the left). #paleobotany #paleontology #paleoart
Today's species is #Ginkgoites #tigrensis (see 2nd post), a #Ginkgo-like leaf from the Early Cretaceous of South America. However unlike many Ginkgoites leaves, G. tigrensis belongs to a different plant, #Karkenia #incurva. #paleobotany #paleoart
Day 8 of reposting #aGinkgoaDay: The only species still with us, Ginkgo biloba!!!
Happy #FossilFriday! Today, we're taking a look at #Ginkgo #biloba, the single living member of the #Ginkgoales. These drawings were all based on leaves I collected from three trees that grow near me, and they represent only a small amount of modern leaf diversity. #paleobotany
Day 7 of reposting #aGinkgoaDay: Ginkgo adiantoides #fossilfriday #paleobotany #paleontology #paleoart
Today's species is one of the most widespread and long lasting of #Ginkgoales species. This is #Ginkgo #adiantoides! It lived from the latest Cretaceous all the way until the Pliocene and is perhaps the closest relative of the modern #Ginkgobiloba. #paleobotany #paleoart
Day 6 of reposting #aGinkgoaDay: A personal favourite species, Ginkgoites huolinhensis!
Today's species is one of the most unique I've come across: #Ginkgoites #houlinhensis (initially ascribed to #Ginkgo) was an East Asian #desert, or arid environment adapted #plant which has #xerophytic adaptations such as sunken stomata and hairs on the leaf surface. #paleobotany