
Every time someone says this is the worst time to be alive I want to ask if they're joking and they almost never are. Historical perspective, people.
The first generation that didn’t have to expect to bury a child under 10 is still alive. 7 of my great grandparents had siblings die before high school. The youngest of my grandparents generation to pass was 44 in a motorcycle accident. We live in the best time that’s ever been.
I don't care how rich or powerful I could be in the past I'm not time traveling to any era that doesn't have antibiotics and refrigeration.
Its not like they can be alive at any other time
(Russian peasant circa 1820 enters the chat)
Hello, vaccines for common childhood diseases!
Europe between 1315 and 1317, for instance . . . or, y'know, living in the path of Chenggis Khan's army between 1202 and 1225. So many options!
the best time to be alive was 2016, we have been slipping into fascism and losing rights since then there will be another greatest time to be alive but im afraid we might have peaked.