
As pundits who say they’re concerned about the extraordinary threat of Trump are declaring the things they’re requiring of Biden to regain their confidence, I’d genuinely like to hear a couple of things to continue taking the arguments seriously.
1) is there anything that could convince you? Literally anything? Be honest. I’m not talking about a too cute list that you know is never gonna be met. 2) if there is a realistic list, lay it down in a decent amount of detail.
Yes. No. I’m not sure what a list will do for anyone. If people want to say I’m talking in bad faith. Have at it. It seems to me that’s an argument one make to make oneself feel better about one’s own anxieties.
No, I don’t think you’re arguing in bad faith, and I’m speaking much more about columnists and people who *have* laid down fairly specific lists of stuff, but also hand wave away everything that has *already* happened in the meantime.
I can accept an argument it wasn’t enough if I have a sense that there was anything that *would* be, you know?
Some of us have lost confidence. It takes a lot of fairly clear and positive action to win that confidence back. If you cheated on your wife; broke someone’s trust etc it would take some real positive action to win back their confidence.
Would you say; wife, I didn’t cheat on you this week, so now you have to trust me. No fair. I did one week without cheating on. I don’t think you’re serious that you won’t accept me back.
I don’t believe this is a serious argument and I’ve tried to specify that I wasn’t talking about you three separate times right now and you’re still coming in super hot and I don’t understand it.
I don’t think it’s hot. I think “one” sounds very stilted and confusing. If you’d prefer I will phrase my points in this manner. It has nothing to do with you. I don’t understand the complaint. I don’t understand in what way it is “not serious”. You were confused why one might find a lack
Of confidence something that requires something that isn’t a simple list or specific set of goals that have to be met. I tried to use examples of how a loss of confidence is not restored by meeting a quick specific obligation.
I put it in terms of a list of specifics because that’s how I saw it addressed by critics most often! If this doesn’t apply to you I wasn’t talking to you? But you’re taking this whole post as though I’d tagged you? It’s weird?
I know you were talking about pundits, but I did immediately think of what I would put on a list, but a list is wrong. So I do understand bananapantz's urge. But they should make their own post at this point, hint, hint, without involving you.