Mike Jungbluth

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Mike Jungbluth


Sincerity wrapped in aBsUrDiTy

--A quick note for anyone that read my book-- Leaving an honest rating/review on goodreads (goodreads.com/book/show/19...) and/or the online retailer you bought it will make you at least 5% cooler than you already are.
Directing Game Animation: Building a Vision and a Team …goodreads.com The best character animation has a strong creative inte…
THE REVIEWS ARE IN! "This was my favorite talk at GDC" "Absolutely baffling talk to randomly walk into" "This was amazing performance art while still being very informative" "I was extremely confused as to what the point was"
The ANIMATION VARIETY HOUR is now ready for your viewing pleasure! This was a collection of ideas clawing to get out of my head over more than a decade of organizing talks. Thanks to the 26 other speakers & GDC organizers for taking a chance & creating this together. gdcvault.com/play/1034677...
Lights at night and smoke at daybreak are the two weather patterns to track in Alberta
My book is 20% off at the publisher's website! www.routledge.com/Directing-Ga... If you haven't bought it yet because you aren't sure how useful it would be outside of animation, one of my wonderful co-workers has some other ideas on how you can make the most out of it!
The ANIMATION VARIETY HOUR is now ready for your viewing pleasure! This was a collection of ideas clawing to get out of my head over more than a decade of organizing talks. Thanks to the 26 other speakers & GDC organizers for taking a chance & creating this together. gdcvault.com/play/1034677...
Its been a month since people started to receive their copy of Directing Game Animation. Absolutely surreal & exciting every time someone excitedly shares that they received it! Do you have a copy? If so, I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback! If not, www.routledge.com/Directing-Ga...
More people (and a cat!) showing off their good taste in literature :D You should order a copy if you too want to be a cool cat. www.routledge.com/Directing-Ga...
It is Saturday night and I just muttered ‘hell yeah’ when I cracked open a book and saw that the chapter is titled ‘The Anatomy of Consciousness’ My evolution into Burgess Meredith in Time Enough At Last is well underway.
More people (and a cat!) showing off their good taste in literature :D You should order a copy if you too want to be a cool cat. www.routledge.com/Directing-Ga...
Seeing copies of my book already getting into people’s hands is the one of the coolest things ever. The only thing cooler is for you to order a copy for yourself if you haven’t already :) www.routledge.com/Directing-Ga...
28 speakers in one hour. What could go wrong? What could go right? You won't want to miss the Variety Hour. Or maybe you will? But with this many speakers, it HAS to be good. Or maybe with this many, it might be bad? Let's all find out together... LIVE! schedule.gdconf.com/session/anim...
Seeing copies of my book already getting into people’s hands is the one of the coolest things ever. The only thing cooler is for you to order a copy for yourself if you haven’t already :) www.routledge.com/Directing-Ga...
Reposted byAvatar Mike Jungbluth
I wrote a book and you can now buy it! Introducing DIRECTING GAME ANIMATION!!! The first ever book about Animation Leadership... for VIDEO GAMES! If you are, or aspire to be, a director, lead, manager or producer working on or with animation, this is for you!  youtu.be/N2BlDK38Cus
- YouTubeyoutu.be Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
I wrote a book and you can now buy it! Introducing DIRECTING GAME ANIMATION!!! The first ever book about Animation Leadership... for VIDEO GAMES! If you are, or aspire to be, a director, lead, manager or producer working on or with animation, this is for you!  youtu.be/N2BlDK38Cus
- YouTubeyoutu.be Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
Reposted byAvatar Mike Jungbluth
Hello animators in gamedev! AnimState is partnering with data scientist Adam Clark and Mike Schiwart (Uni. of Nebraska-Lincoln) to investigate the development of creative agency within the games industry - and YOU can help! Details below; Shares appreciated! www.animstate.com/all-posts/an...
AnimState / University of Nebraska Survey — AnimStatewww.animstate.com Interested in how the work environment, work engagement, and creative agency are related within the game development industry? Consider joining this study in collaboration between AnimState and The ...
Being married to a taxidermist/hunter means when a random text from a friend alerts her to dead moose/elk/deer on the side of the road, you drop everything to see what can be salvaged. Even/especially when it is -10 or more
Today was flurry of chatting and planning some very fun things that will bear fruit in the next few months. I can’t wait for everyone to see what sincere and silly things I have the pleasure of cooking up with some incredibly supportive and amazing people. YAY 2024!!!
My 2023 Reading List It has been a good mix of history, culture, art, philosophy, science and game dev. In all cases, I can point to how each has expanded my view of the world and the people within it. And I am excited to continue pulling at many of the threads these books exposed.
I'm spending far more time editing the index to my book than I've ever spent using one. And I'm not entirely sure if I am helping or hurting by doing so much. When you flip past these pages, please know that a lot of red, digital ink was spent here. And likely Ibuprofen for the editor's headaches.
Number of days into my holiday break before I created an excel sheet: 2 Did I need to add conditional formatting, graphs and COUNTIFS? No, but why wouldn't you if you have the opportunity?
Reposted byAvatar Mike Jungbluth
Hurray, at last! "Can Confirmation Bias Improve Group Learning?", with Nathan Gabriel, is forthcoming in Philosophy of Science - we use network models to show how moderate levels of this (seemingly harmful) bias can improve epistemic groups 1 osf.io/preprints/me...
Reposted byAvatar Mike Jungbluth
"The truth of it all, [Edwin Aponte, former editor at Compact] says, isn’t in this theory or that. ​“People go where people accept them, or are nice to them, and away from people who are mean to them.” obvious if you're staring directly at it, but it's easy not to. inthesetimes.com/article/form...
Losing the Plot: The “Leftists” Who Turn Rightinthesetimes.com What do we make of former friends who fell down the rabbit hole of the Right?
Reposted byAvatar Mike Jungbluth
The Animation Diversity Foundation GDC 2024 Scholarship Applications are now open! Please share far and wide, and apply if you qualify! Info on how to apply below. Applications are open until January 7, 2024. animfund.org/programs/gdc... #diversity #DEI #animation #rigging #techanim #gamedev
GDC Scholarship Programanimfund.org
Reposted byAvatar Mike Jungbluth
It is time for everyone's favorite game... GAME DEV DISCOURSE BINGO! It is topical! It is snarky! It is honest! It is cyclical! It is E V E R Y T H I N G Winners lose a part of their soul.
Last night I made a dumb thing that will be used to help promote a smarter thing I've made. I'm not sure which I will be prouder of when they are released into this scary world. Take care of yourself. Take care of each other. And when possible, make all the dumb and/or smart things you can.
My wife spent her evening in the mountains camping and hunting. I spent mine at home, reading, grilling and watching David Byrne’s American Utopia. I can think of no better illustration of both of us reaching the peak stereotypical version of ourselves.
My 25 favorite games, in no particular order but loosely grouped by genre. A fun exercise and trip down memory lane topsters.org
Some northern lights for the sky…
Reposted byAvatar Mike Jungbluth
📢ATTN GAMEDEVS: The GDC Animation Summit Call for Submissions is OPEN! We are ready for 2024 and we want to see what you've got: indie, AAA, 2D, 3D, craft, tech... we want it all! Submissions close on September 28, please reach out if you have any questions! #GDCANIM
GDC | Summits & GCS Call for Submissions | Game Developers Conferencegdconf.com Submit talks for GDC Summits, VRDC, and Game Career Seminar.