Twitter is cancerous now so I am here
Kyle Gass did nothing wrong and Jack Black is being a pussy
There’s willful self-delusion in the NYT’s bizarre moralizing. Civility is a treaty. A mutual adherence to norms. When one side has shown itself eager to lay waste to law, limit freedoms, attack the vulnerable, and foment violence in its ranks, the treaty is broken. The norms are dead.
New York Times Editorial Board: "Mr. Trump’s political agenda cannot and must not be opposed by violence. It cannot and must not be pursued through violence." Ok but to be clear Trump's political agenda *is* violence. We get that right? I dont want us to miss that
Opinion | The Attack on Donald Trump Is Antithetical to Political violence is antithetical to our democracy.
I have discovered oat milk. It is oatmeal but milk. Someone should’ve made that clear.
I love that under a democratic president right wingers get just about everything they want anyways
Legit worried we’ll start seeing mass suicides or something because of how bad things are every day in america. I know i hate it here
If your candidate has a terrible debate, and everybody is telling him to step aside, your response definitely shouldn’t be whining that the other candidate should actually step aside. That’s dumb as fuck. That’s not how any of this works. Yeah, Trump should totally just step aside and let Joe win
I miss her so fucking much
Finally saw one of these abominations
Rise of the Dawn of the war for the kingdom of the planet of the apes
So Godzilla is definitely gonna fuck that big white lizard, right? Because they definitely call the big white lizard as she. and then they can have a bunch of beautiful little gray babies that are actually ginormous and have laser ice breath
“That is the law, BUT THE LAW IS WRONG!!!” Is probably the best line iv hear in a movie this year. Apes together strong
I just watched the zone of interest since it’s on HBO now. is it controversial to say that this movie sucked and was boring as shit?
Damn Superman’s mom in Superman and Lois can fucking get it
Me watching Creed “man that is definitely not enough room for that turtle” Apparently, Rocky Balboa is an animal abuser
The villains origin story in Superman and Lois is that he landed in Britain. Tragic
I swear to God, I hope that every person at Uber corporate gets the absolute worst type of cancer. This goes double for DoorDash. The absolute worst type of cancer.
I love umbrella Academy, but I’m watching it with subtitles right now, and I just found out that they are using a Jeremy Renner cover of House of the rising Sun for a scene. That has to be a joke, right? If you know you know, kind of joke? Anyways, I wish I didn’t know this.
I said it about band of Brothers and I’ll say it about masters of the air. War is just boys being boys. Almost every war film portray war as just a lot of fun between dudes when they’re not fighting. Just a jolly good time with your Bros.
I didn’t expect Robert De Niro to be a Trump allegory in killers of the flower moon. I’m so tired of being reminded of this fucked up country.
I haven’t seen Austin Butler in anything before this masters of the air show, but he’s literally just being Jeffrey Dean Morgan. it seems like he just copied all of his mannerisms, and even like the internation of his voice and all that. it just sucks that he’s not as cool as Jeffrey Dean Morgan
I could watch Ziwe all day every day. I’d kill for that bitch.
Was going to order Casey’s pizza, but the app is broken and the website is broken and when I try and verify my account with my phone number it just doesn’t work so congratulations on wasting my time and losing yet another sale. Fix your stupid, fucking broken ass websites and apps.
Why does it seem like there is only gay and furry porn on here?
End of feed.