
i think the best way to understand the supreme court's conduct in trump v. united states is as an explicit effort to intervene in the 2024 election on behalf of the former president. it is a gross abuse of power on par with dred scott and deserves to be met with sanction from the elected branches.
My thoughts on the oral argument and what the Court is likely to do:
I am 40 years old and I have never known the Supreme Court to be anything other than being controlled by a group of hack Republicans.
Bush v. Gore was the death knell. Scalia rallied his cohort to intervene in the lawful Florida recount and stall it before it might decide Gore had won. Literally every SCOTUS appointment in the past 55 years has pushed the court rightward. (With the possible exception of RBG.)
Sotomayor is to the left of Souter.