
Rick Hasen’s Live Blog of the Supreme Court’s Oral Argument Over Trump’s Claim of Immunity in the Federal Election Subversion Case (Refresh this page frequently for updates)
Arguments have begun:
Sauer's argument for Trump is breathtaking in allowing the President to murder or commit a coup so long as it is wrapped in the trappings of a President's official acts.
This argument still has a ways to go. But it is easy to see the Court (1) siding against Trump on the merits but (2) in a way that requires further proceedings that easily push this case past the election (to a point where Trump could end this prosecution if elected).
Dreeben stresses that what Trump was charged with, trying to subvert the election, is not part of any official acts. Alito wants to avoid the facts of this case (for good reason!).
Alito going on and on, really doing the job much better than Trump's lawyer on Trump's behalf.
Alito tries to turn things on their head, by saying that to encourage peaceful transitions of power, you need to give incumbents absolute immunity so they will leave and won't worry about prosecution later. This is the most insane thing I've heard today (and there have been many crazy things).
My thoughts on the oral argument and what the Court is likely to do:
After a couple of hours of oral argument, it appears that the Supreme Court is unlikely to embrace either Donald Trump’s extreme position—that would seem to give immunity for a president who ordered an assassination of a rival or staged a coup—or the government’s position
Conservatives on the Court are going to make it hard to prosecute a former president for most crimes. But they are likely to reject some of the most extreme, insane, authoritarian arguments that were made by Trump’s lawyer.
The final opinion will likely come closer to the government’s position, but it will almost certainly result in a divided set of opinions (which take more time to draft) and a lot of work on remand to rework the results of the case.
The bottom line is that Trump is likely to get what he wants—a further delay of this election subversion case, maybe pushing it to after the election. If that happens, the public won’t get the benefit of having a jury determine before the election if Trump tried to steal the 2020 election.
Further, if Trump is elected in 2024, he can end this and the other federal prosecution against him. He also is likely to try to pardon himself. And the Supreme Court will be complicit in much of this.
Scheduled to be on CNN with Jake Tapper around 5:45 ET talking about today's Supreme Court hearing and the new fake elector indictments in Arizona.
I hate this country so fucking much. Merrick Garland should be castigated for waiting so fucking long to appoint Jack Smith.
Merrick Garland should get exiled to an island prison for not launching investigations into Thomas's obvious financial crimes in particular, and the federal court's rank corruption in general
Yep. SCOTUS wouldn’t even grant cert on this issue if it was 2022 and the trial was guaranteed to happen before the election regardless.
Garland and Blinken were Biden's two mistakes when it comes to his cabinet choices.
When Saur brought up the President has to be impeached and removed before he can be prosecuted, did no one counter that Trump’s impeachment defense was that he shouldn’t be impeached because he could be prosecuted later?
When you say "the Supreme Court will be complicit in much of this," you mean complicit in a coup attempt, right? They'll be giving aid and comfort to the Jan. 6 ringleader and possibly teeing up a second insurrection. So the justices doing this should lose their offices on 14A grounds, right?
“Should” is unfortunately irrelevant if Congress and the president are unwilling to take action to enforce it
Which is why we should mass-pressure them to do that (see prev posts)
Mission accomplished. Reform the Court.
I have thoughts on SCOTUS which would be impolite (and likely illegal) to share.
Unless your thoughts include death threats I can’t see them being illegal. 🤔
The line between legal and illegal is not very clear in the domain of which we speak.
Thoughts? That’s the domain. And unless we are existing in the 1984 novel, I’m fairly certain thoughts aren’t illegal.
No, the domain is this Supreme Court, which is, at a minimum, taking too long to say a crime is a crime regardless of who does it. And we are hoping they aren't engineering a decision that it isn't a crime if a particular president does it. We can't trust a court like that with our thoughts.
My post was in response to this. I wasn’t addressing anything else.
I have thoughts on SCOTUS which would be impolite (and likely illegal) to share.
trump makes Nixon look like a cream puff in comparison. He is so corrupt and has been through pretty much all of his adult life.
Me think Nixon’s corrupt impulses were strong, but balanced by interest in actually doing job of president to best of his ability. Trump have no such interest.
Exactly. The only interest trump has is feeding his narcissistic ego and that includes increasing his wealth. I’m amazed anyone with more than a few brain cells could ever see him as anything other than corrupt.
You should strike the final four words of your post: "in much of this."