
The Brits know how to do an election night. We can't do it the same way, because we have a zillion different federal, state, & local offices up for grabs on the same day, plus ballot initiatives & referenda. But one night with elections to a single legislative house is so pure, it's fun.
we're only just getting started, time for the real coffee pot
UK politics can be grim, but election night there with constituencies being largely ungerrymandered, losers standing next to winners of podiums, and the "election season is 6 weeks, not 2 years" default is incredibly wholesome
Also our next Prime Minister is standing on a platform next to someone dressed as Elmo and someone called Keith the Flying Brick.
Maybe this is just because I know the background for him and not the others but since I found it out I can't find the Elmo guy funny rather than depressing (on numerous levels)
Basically he lost custody of his kids (who he calls Elmo, presumably as some kind of abbreviation of their actual names) post-divorce and keeps doing this as a seemingly not particularly thought out plan to get them back
Oh god that's just sad.