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Coffee, tech, politics, power structures in global trade + intl development, human rights (they / she)
Not sure where the foodie / restaurant blueskiers are, but I had a delve bowl of mie kepiting (crab noodles) in PIK, Jakarta and wanted to share:
I heard that drinking beer is praxis (if you are a person that likes drinking beer)
Recently discovered a surprising dish in my Malaysia travels, kacang pool which is inspired by… Egyptian foul! It’s long cooked red beans served with a slab of Texas toast (do not ask me where this part came from) until they are creamy and so delicious. I suspect there’s some tomato sauce in it too.
Trying to show all of the sides of my personality. This side is the one that tries all of the baked goods and occasionally finds one that stops me in my tracks— a wood-fire baked kaya bun from an old bakery in Johor Bahru. #foodiesky #seasiasky
End of feed.