Minister of Misanthropy

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Minister of Misanthropy

"Don't Ask Me For Shit."
PFP: Stylized B&W image of a dude in aviators and a cowboy hat, lighting a spliff in a way that illuminates their face. Art by
Banner: The "Sword of X and Y" M:tG megacycle.
What's the best episode of television you've ever watched? If you had asked me last year I'd have said "Darmok," but X-Men '97 changed the game.
What's the best episode of television you've ever watched? Ring a ding ding
Wrapped in a flag and shot into space, with a Post-It note that says "FIX IT" stuck to his chest. I'm standing by my first answer to this question, but this "We Don't Know If We're Getting Another Season"-ass episode is for sure in my top 5.
What’s the best episode of television you’ve ever watched.
Iowa prints the entire county name on their license plates so if u spot a DES MOINES plate, it is probably someone from Burlington! or West Burlington!! maybe Danville if you're especially lucky!!! If the car plate says Polk, you're behind city folk, If the plate says Des Moines, pork tenderloin,
lol my family is from iowa so it comes up, did you know that Des Moines is 150 miles away from Des Moines County, Iowa? the city is in Polk County, while Des Moines County contains some major river shipping cities in the southeast, half of the "Quad Cities" metro area,
Hey man police are pretty much useless and refuse to do anything to serve or protect the public good so can you explain why we keep giving them money
A man has been using Facebook to terrorize his ex and their children. He brags about it: “I want her to worry about who’s waiting on the corner.” But police do nothing and nobody seems to take it seriously. Chilling story from Stacy St Clair and Joe Mahr
How one man uses Facebook to frighten his children's mother and why police do An analysis of data from nearly two dozen Illinois police departments found police rarely arrest people for electronic harassment, even as complaints increase.
This is exactly why I try to openly recommend new books/comics and boost fellow authors and artists as often as I can. The algorithm won’t help us share our own stories. So we must help share each other’s stories instead, and raise that tide for all of us.
We’ve returned to the olden days, when word-of-mouth was the only real way to advertise. As an author, if you enjoy a book, please: tell your friends. Your group chat, your sewing circle, your family WhatsApp, your work Slack, the voice channel of your MMORPG guild, anything.
less than six months remain for you guys to push Biden to the left, as you once insisted that you would do
Well still no movement and my ride to the grocery store is happening now (have to get the kids meds anyways). I guess I'll have to spend some of the van fund... Again... 😮‍💨
raising funds for groceries and the final payment on the van so we can leave North Carolina for somewhere that my kids healthcare hasn't been made illegal. 💜💜💜⚒️💜💜💜
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Well.. We're back under $100 in the van fund.. 😓 two steps forward, three steps back. 💜⚒️💜🏳‍⚧♿🏳‍⚧💞💸💕
Well still no movement and my ride to the grocery store is happening now (have to get the kids meds anyways). I guess I'll have to spend some of the van fund... Again... 😮‍💨
bullying the times off of bluesky is praxis
Opening a weed store called the Green New Deal
France so powerful rn Glass Joe just won another fight
People uniting against fascism? That sounds neat. Anyway, Trump's first act will be bringing back freedom fries.
JUST IN: Polls closed in France. Exit polls show surprise: —Left coalition (New Popular Front) projected first. (!) —Far-right (RN) has lost its bid to take power. Anti-RN front appears to have worked very well. —No bloc close to majority. Follow this 🧵 for results and more:
It's also wildly inaccurate. Plenty of the base of white christian nationalism is in wealthy suburbs and, yes, cities too. Stop buying this "barefoot hicks" b.s. and realize the fascists are down the street shopping at whole foods.
Honestly I feel deflated seeing the response to “depiction of white Christian nationalism ascendant” be cracks about inbreeding, or glee at concentrating these people in rural communities so they can eat their own
Did you know that Trayvon Martin was interested in aviation & space? Working in the aviation industry? That he had his own flight suit from NASA? The Exhibit set to end/close in August, 2024 #AfroFuturism Go see it before it does
Trayvon Martin’s Flight Suit Will Be Displayed At This New Smithsonian Exhibit |
I canceled my subscription to WaPo a few years back because they did a very similar puff piece– it was about a ranch in TX that is a "home" for single pregnant women (and I am using "women" specifically here for a reason). What it actually is is a Christian work camp.
Either the NY Times has staff reporters that can't recognize white supremacist shit unless it literally comes with swastikas, or they see a purpose in puff pieces about white supremacists. Neither reflects well on them.
When people claim that journalism is a bulwark against extremism, I have to laugh. Legacy news certainly isn't and any smaller paper is being crushed by being bought out, etc.
Getting the feeling that there will at least be some countries that try to stop us when the next POTUS, whoever it is, sends troops to the Hague to cover for bestie netanyahu's transition to kissinger's former post.
I’m not saying maybe the lesson to the centrist liberals of the world is to stop hoping the moderate right will join you, and make concessions toward the left to defeat the far right, because no matter who says it in this country, none of you will believe me.
The 2nd leading pollster projects a similar result—if anything a higher range for the Left coalition. This wld be a much stronger result than expected for the Macron bloc. If confirmed, key takeaway: Left & Macronist voters transferred onto each other much more than expected. Clear anti-RN front.
Like, literally everything about the Western world is geared to either support or defend white supremacy. You don't _think_ everything is racist, it usually is.
White people in a western white majority country yapping about "reclaim western values" should've been enough of a signal. That's not even a dogwhistle, it's just calling the dog's name!
Bro if France resists the tide of fascism and we don’t it will be so fucking embarrassing
JUST IN: Polls closed in France. Exit polls show surprise: —Left coalition (New Popular Front) projected first. (!) —Far-right (RN) has lost its bid to take power. Anti-RN front appears to have worked very well. —No bloc close to majority. Follow this 🧵 for results and more:
There is no way to stop committed attention-seeking grifters/rhetorically talented hacks from prominence but all these people/their orgs/movement structures were called out by black folks, trans folks, anarchists and others over and over and you can avoid getting burned by taking critiques seriously
The Fermi Paradox resolved in one word: cowardice
every planet has an idea like "humans" but very few are bold enough to follow through on it
Make a band the same amount of vegetable Jan & Dean No, sorry. That’s awful. Trying to delete. Oh god don’t hit po
Make a band the same amount of vegetable Red Hot Chili Peppers
Ginny likes to sit on top of the paper products and pretend to be a gargoyle. It's the highest point in the house, not counting the stairs. #GinnyStaresAtMe
There is no way to stop committed attention-seeking grifters/rhetorically talented hacks from prominence but all these people/their orgs/movement structures were called out by black folks, trans folks, anarchists and others over and over and you can avoid getting burned by taking critiques seriously
Ken Klippenstein is streaming with George Galloway. The Young Turks are hosting RFK Jr. One ex bernie spokesperson is streaming with candace owens and another is defending Nick Fuentes. Brianna Wu is hanging with lauren southern. Maybe now is the time to re-evaluate how the left chooses celebrities.
this is an abyss of grifting, a void from which no dollar can escape
Not exaggerating when I say I would rather overdose on fentanyl a hundred times before watching this.