
Katie Mack
Katie Mack
Cosmologist, pilot, author, connoisseur of cosmic catastrophes. @TEDFellow, CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholar. She/her. Dr.
Sarah Parcak, Book Writing Madness
Sarah Parcak, Book Writing Madness
Professor, Archaeologist, Egyptologist, Award-winning writer of books, Dad joke lover, mom, rabble-rouser writer of Future of Our Past newsletter. Owned by cats. she/her
Prof. Farhana Sultana
Prof. Farhana Sultana
Professor, writer, speaker, leader | water governance, climate justice, development, political ecology, environmental justice, human rights, decolonization, feminisms, Global South |
#GeoSky feed:
Dr. Amanda J Summers
Dr. Amanda J Summers
Postdoc @utulsa @gilcreasemuseum PhD @TempleUHistory - LatAm, Iberian Empires, Inquisition, Incarceration, Body, Gender, Sex, Death.
dr. e. katherine
dr. e. katherine
tired goth ethnohistorian (needs job), folk artist, former? sailor, on Conestoga-Susquehannock land (ask me about it!). contact info& Indigenous Chesapeake resources@ &art@
[any pronouns. non-Native. still queer.]
The future producer of “Himbo Heist”
The future producer of “Himbo Heist”
No longer head lawyer for Bungie. Kinda retired. Have entered my super villain era. Ex-Chief Legal Officer of Pokémon. Produced Detective Pikachu. Entertainment Law prof (University of Washington). Supporter of trans kids.
texan in ma, austin's mom. i am a real lady and i work at a cemetery
Molly Robison
Molly Robison
The most worried person you've ever met. Harmony Witch, but ultimately a failed musician. Orphan. Cook. Amateur knitter. She/Her. I prefer dogs to people.
Body in small town Wisconsin, spirit in a cabin in a very remote forest.
Rose Schmits
Rose Schmits
Trans kiln witch™

The technician from that pottery tv show

she/her 🏳️‍⚧️
Dr. Samantha Hancox-Li
Dr. Samantha Hancox-Li
writer and game designer. liberal, progressive liberal, neonliberal. associate editor at liberal currents. she/her.
Robert Hewitt Wolfe
Robert Hewitt Wolfe
TV writer. Geek. Twitter refugee.
John Rogers
John Rogers
TV, comics and film writer. LEVERAGE, JACKIE CHAN ADVENTURES, BLUE BEETLE, MARRY ME, a couple other things. Free newsletter of reviews, recommendations, and general oddities at
🖥️ Gaming Youtuber, Media Critic, Philosopher King 🤴
📩 Enquiries to [email protected]
Emma (Cumslutress) 🏳️‍⚧️
Emma (Cumslutress) 🏳️‍⚧️
silly gal in SoCal | she/her | AuDHD
discord: taylortwirls

pathetic, godless, and sterile

"Let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars"
Andy Craig
Andy Craig
Election law and policy and occasional pugs.
Domingos Faria
Domingos Faria
Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto (FLUP).
🌍 | ✉️ [email protected] | ⚡️[email protected]
Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Senior writer, Intelligencer/New York Magazine
Professor G
Professor G
History professor. Alabama fan, Hawkeye stan. “Socrates realized he was the wisest man in Athens because he alone was prepared to admit his own ignorance.”
stel ✨
stel ✨
nyc bsky discord ->
Writer, lawyer, Dodger fan, internet dog. nycsouthpaw18 at gmail.
they/them 🏳️‍⚧️ aka bobcat also aka littletnoee
🖤💚🤍💚🖤 queer

Dogs. Music. Books. BLM. Land Back. Unbinary.

most likely to die by enraged charismatic megafauna
beetlejussyfullasandworms 🖤🪱🤍
beetlejussyfullasandworms 🖤🪱🤍
I write grants for social justice orgs.

they/she neurospicy bipolar queer
🎲 listen to Dice Funk
anarchist. sad and angry all the time. transfeminism enjoyer. they/them.

read some stuff:
💛 Mighty 🤍 Mad 💜 Maxine 🖤
💛 Mighty 🤍 Mad 💜 Maxine 🖤
lizzie lizardskelly
lizzie lizardskelly
im lizzie lizard skeleton
she / her
huge lesbian
Keri's Wife, Viscountess of Soup, Redhead, Cat Mom, and Trans Lesbian Victorian Mad Scientist. ♡ (she/her) often nsfw, 18+
Just thinking out loud.
David Shiffman, Ph.D. 🦈
David Shiffman, Ph.D. 🦈
I am a marine conservation biologist studying sharks and a science writer. He/him
the corgi from cowboy bebop
the corgi from cowboy bebop
obsessed with corgis, softball, and Philadelphia | pissposter | Bluesky’s Piss Queen 👑 | Phillies partial season ticket holder | sorry I’m monogamous | she/her but also a guy sometimes

venmo @Qrampage
kara the clysm
kara the clysm
She/They Drumming Queen |🏳️‍⚧️Lesbian🖤🩶🤍💜| 22 | PA |🔞MDNI | Pickle Sprite Connoisseur | I just lost the game

i am NOT a nerd
Proud fan of Power Rangers

ca: $karaclysm119
Desz idk
Desz idk
Ace genderfuck void artist. Love me some Pokemon, Hollow Knight, Chao, and Kirbs. In a vacuum of space.
The Everything Machine
The Everything Machine
Animator, VFX artist, Storyteller.
Gregg Gonsalves
Gregg Gonsalves
Epidemiologist. AIDS Activist. Dog lover. New Haven.
Sapphic Film Nerd 🪶🍉
Sapphic Film Nerd 🪶🍉
Autistic, Kul Wicasa Lakota, lesbian, two-spirit, Fincher enthusiast. No TERFs.

FREE 🇵🇸🇨🇩🇸🇩🇭🇹

I post movie/TV stuff on

AP for
Tall F. Pompkins (intermediary)
Tall F. Pompkins (intermediary)

she/her 🏳️‍⚧️ | 30 or 40 y/o AuDHD haver | pretyy girl | maybe plural? still figuring that out

Free Bill and Bree and Salty 🏳️‍⚧️
Free Bill and Bree and Salty 🏳️‍⚧️
Bridget-appreciator, guitar pedal enthusiast. Queen of the Awoken. 30's.

Disc: marathemagnus

HRT 12/7/22 18+ only. She/her. Huge lesbian. Girlfriended but poly.

I guess now kinda a musician
maeve (who is a person)
maeve (who is a person)
the touch of everything blushes me・40s chicago they/she nonbinary dyke・white, anti-whiteness・放了那個作品・the city is empty until you find it・cunt-forward・nec spe nec metu・yes, salt・姐姐・warding-off-magic・maeveynot.96・anyway, it’s early
cigarette subaru lesbian (they/them)
cigarette subaru lesbian (they/them)
26. attention addict. employed. they/them. bunny mom. sometimes ASMR. in a parasocial relationship with the marlboro man. i post a lot.
Daniel S. Goldberg
Daniel S. Goldberg
Faculty @ CU Anschutz & CU Bioethics. Attorney, historian, public health ethicist. Jiujitsu, Star Wars, Batman, Coffee. #LegalEpi #Stigma #PHLaw #PHEthx #Disability #HistPubHealth new book coming Oct. 2024 H/h/h. ✡️
Bethany Black
Bethany Black
Comedian, Actor, Writer, multiple Moral Panic survivor, trans since before it was an issue. One of life’s winners. Check out my website for tour details
girls like us are rotten to the core | 1/12/2022💅 |
🔞 mdni | early 20s |📍PNW
The 118,972th prodigal son.

Rhymes with “love” and “dove”.

They, in a he kinda way.

Tim Baxter
Tim Baxter
Climate action, human rights, etc. Burgeoning neo-luddite. To hell with fascists, crypto and cryptofascists.
Liz Sepper
Liz Sepper
Law Professor at the University of Texas at Austin. Fan of health law, religious liberty, and reproductive rights
Susan Rinkunas has a newsletter
Susan Rinkunas has a newsletter
Reporter: abortion & politics. Contributing writer, Jezebel. Seen in Slate, The New Republic, The Guardian, and more. council. fka @sueonthetown. From PA, now in BK.

💌 susanrinkunaswrites @ gmail
Words at Balls & Strikes, Rewire, Public Notice. Your heart is a muscle the size of your fist. she/they. north mpls 4lyfe
Julia Doubleday
Julia Doubleday
Writer of The Gauntlet, about COVID and public health. Read it at
amelia "rem" jane, sweetheart mommy domme
amelia "rem" jane, sweetheart mommy domme
critics rave:
"absolute sweetheart", "reasonably normal", "hot perfect angel", "insufferably loveable"
she/her • t4t flirt with me • mdni
i made
👾: ameliamnesia

help me live in florida:
ca: $emmatapes