
Yep. One of the biggest blind spots people have is assuming that underneath, others share the same basic values as them. They have trouble imagining an ideology that is completely misaligned with theirs.
When free speech absolutists demand that we must let Nazis speak this is what I intend to share with them moving forward.
The response is usually you only want to shut down speech that you don't agree with. The entire planet fought a war that killed upwards of 80 million people in opposition to this speech. I think that jury came in.
Yep, some ideologies are universally recognized as wrong and evil, what's up for debate?!
First Amendment rights for Nazis. It's an issue in America.
The ACLU once famously defended a group of Nazis who wanted to hold a march, because free speech.
More than once. And it's gotten people killed.
This is something I struggle with. I honestly believe that free speech is an incredibly important right that should be limited only when absolutely necessary. But hate speech really tests the limits of my tolerance.
We have a social contract. It's generous, I hope, but it still has boundaries. If someone shamelessly flouts that contract, they do not get the benefits of people who hold it up. that is: yes, fucking cancel. Shut that shit down. "Fascism is not to be argued with, it is to be smashed."