
I have met all of my outstanding deadlines. #TinyJoys What has made you smile today?
I handed in my second paper of the week yesterday afternoon - and the deadline is noon on Sunday! This means I have an actual weekend!!! So at 5am on a Saturday I’m obviously up, preparing my BF’s packed lunch for today. #TinyJoys
From someone who was doing the same at 5:45am this morning, I salute you!
I do it every morning; I’m too much of a cheapskate to let him buy a decent lunch in town, and I also don’t want him to eat sad, crappy food. So I bake a lot of quiches and loads of hearty salads… His lunches are seriously good! (And I obvs enjoy cooking or I wouldn’t bother!)
H has to eat a *very* plain diet and can only have a big meal in the middle of the day. If I make it I know she eats one hot, substantial meal.
That makes sense. My boyfriend is 40yrs, so letting him fend for himself is obviously not a problem but I just want his lunch breaks to be nice moments in a physically demanding workday. And I’m currently off sick so I have the time (and weird sleep patterns!)
Yes! It feels like a gift to cook for someone else, even if they can do it themselves.
buying peaches at a local orchard!
This hat is ridiculous and I love it
Go you. I'm having a day ignoring deadlines. I need to switch off for St Nick's stuff. Need to watch carefully when the curate goes off this is what it's like now...
I am already lying in my bed tonight after a long week in the field.