Logan Strother

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Logan Strother


Associate Professor of Political Science at Purdue.
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There are two elements to the immunity decision that are particularly extreme in a way that many will miss: (1) motive is irrelevant and (2) immune acts are not just excluded from prosecution, they’re excluded from evidence. /1
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📣Really excited to be hosting another webinar on careers outside academia 📅 Friday, April 12th at Noon MT on Zoom 👥 Open to the public 🗣️ If you're a grad student in the social sciences, a professor, or anyone else, please join us. Register here: zoom.us/webinar/regi... Please share widely!
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Very interesting DC circuit opinion on former president Trump's assertion of immunity from prosecution 1/ storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.us...
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Dartmouth is reinstating the SAT. They analyzed their data and found 2 key things: 1) Test scores were a better predictor of success than high school grades/essays/recommendations 2) The test-optional policy was harming low-income kids who would have been accepted www.nytimes.com/2024/02/05/b...
A Top College Reinstates the SATwww.nytimes.com Why other schools may follow Dartmouth’s lead.
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Always a good time to upload this one.
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My book, "The Invented State: Misperceptions in the American Public" is out and available to order: www.amazon.com/Invented-Sta.... Here's the argument in a nutshell -- I'll use this thread to expand on each point.
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Thrilled that my article w/ @timlapira.bsky.social "The people think what I think" is up at @ajpseditor.bsky.social. We find a remarkably consistent false consensus effect in political elites estimates of public support for a range of policies. onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/...
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Conservative legal scholar Sam Bray on conservative legal arguments about officers. reason.com/volokh/2024/...
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I'm a single-issue voter this year, and you should be too.
Nikki Haley has been saying absurd things about the Civil War for a long time: www.washingtonpost.com/politics/201...
"What do you want me to say about slavery?" should be the end of Nikki Haley's political career.
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Remember this beautiful corpus, containing 20M public domain newspapers scans from the Library of Congress (~1800-1963)? We created a Ngram Viewer-like app to plot word frequencies over time in the corpus. Look how "president" diverges from "congress" ➡️ shiny.ens-paris-saclay.fr/app/gallicag...
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My article is now up on FirstView at APSR. My hope is that it will be of interest to anyone who works with or thinks about The Federalist, the American founding, or the Constitution. Here’s a brief 🧵 on its 3 key arguments:
Publius’ Proleptic Constitution | American Political Science Review | Cambridge Corewww.cambridge.org Publius’ Proleptic Constitution
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End of feed.