
One thought that keeps coming up as I work on the Project 2025 episode I have coming out with -- the entire project is based on the premise that Trump's first presidency was massive failure.
Not because he transferred trillions to the rich or bumbled us into the worst pandemic in a century with the worst response in the world, of course. But because we still have a functioning government.
Another goofy thought: They want to imprison people for pornography as Donald Trump stands trial for deceiving voters over him essentially paying an actress from adult films for sex.
This crowd did not want Donald Trump as president. The preferred candidate was Ted Cruz - Cruz was the Anointed. Evangelicals, Mercer money, he had it all. Cruz would have done what they wanted. When Cruz flopped, they pivoted to Trump, but never figured out how to work with him efficiently.
It's a excellent take that Trump's administration was a failure for them. The key to what has happened in the US in the last eight years seems like Cruz's flop. It set up the story of how power brokers - the religious right, the neo-fascists, and Russia - all hustled to manage Trump for their ends.
Obviously Russia had a longtime interest in Trump, but they invest in lots of vehicles. What's been explained to me, and seems true, is that they wait and watch which is most successful and invest more in that one. The big unwritten story seems to be whether Cruz was also seen as of use to Russia.
I don't think these nuts realize just how much their own base *Is* the engine that drives a lot of the global porn industry.
Kinda makes me root for the apocalypse, resuming smoking, or a resumption of self-destructive behaviors.
Pay attention to who is selected for running mate. Trump might find himself without "friends" once he is in office, if elected. Trump is a tool, presented as a leader.
yeah that's what they think and they keep bumping up with the fact that they're the tools
They didn't realize going into the pissing contest that it's hard to know ahead of time who has the biggest bladder
I have a suspicion, based on what 2025 says about the DOJ plus many Heritage statements on the topic, that legalized cannabis will be gone should they get in power. This is an issue that could mobilize people who might otherwise not be motivated to vote. Also stakeholders depending on tax revenue.
Reinstating pot prosecutions would be such a handy tool for cops and Feds, of course they'll push it through ASAP. Think of all the new private prisons that will have to be built, and the nearly-slave labor they will provide.
Polls show a large majority of voters for legalized pot. They're willing to go against such a majority where it benefits them directly, like for tax cuts, but for pot prohibition? I doubt it.
I wouldn’t bet on it. These folks are not old school small government types. It’s a tome but the extreme plans are laid out in their document. I encourage you to look into it and the commentary that is available.
I think these fucking people fail to realize that *They* are the actual problem here. They're why Trump is a thing, etc. etc. Getting power doesn't make you smart. These people are not gods. They're idiots.
And as we already learned in 2020,, that they're idiots actually makes them more dangerous, not less. A pragmatic, smart authoritarian wouldn't be telling everybody what they want to do, for one thing.
At least they got the massive failure part correct