Cmdr. Hange

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Cmdr. Hange

Anti-fascist. Cultural Marxist Globalist. Liberal.
Taxation is, more than anything else, shifting money from luxury to necessity.
I want to start an ad campaign: "Instead of high speed rail we got... Theranos." TAX BILLIONNAIRES "Instead of universal healthcare we got... Juicero." TAX BILLIONNAIRES "Instead of clean tap water we got... NFTs." TAX BILLIONNAIRES
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I want to start an ad campaign: "Instead of high speed rail we got... Theranos." TAX BILLIONNAIRES "Instead of universal healthcare we got... Juicero." TAX BILLIONNAIRES "Instead of clean tap water we got... NFTs." TAX BILLIONNAIRES
A thing worth noting is Joe Biden has never lost an election.
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I'm just like... not even remotely prepared to concede that Donald Trump winning in November is a foregone conclusion.
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Every day proves Thaddeus Stevens right: there should've been big Nuremberg-style public trials of leading Confederates, accompanied by seizures of the assets of all pro-Confederate large landowners and businessmen, which should then have been distributed to freed slaves as compensation.
These guys are traitors to the republic just like their heroes Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee
We have Biden, first and foremost, because of how big donor politics shapes the landscape of possibility for normal politics after Citizens United.
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as liberals it's time we woke the fuck up. it is not certain but it is certainly possible that we are approaching a moment of constitutional rupture. it's time we began to articulate our plans for resisting that rupture and restoring America to what it was meant to be
The class of people at the top of the Confederacy should have been exterminated
The "donor class" needs to be completely dispossessed. When historians look back for history's losers, everyone needs to say "daaaamn the American billionaires really got wiped out hard, huh?"
The rich kids at the top are in full hot dog costume panic
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a thing to remember, in all of this horror, is that these are not the actions of a political party that is confident it represents the will of the people, and who is currently out of power and enslaved to a deeply flawed avatar. the struggle is not over and they have not won
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Need someone joe biden loves and respects to get him to understand that This Moment Right Now is the time for some very drastic "official acts."
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The conservative project for the past 50 years has been to roll back the expansion of civil rights and exonerate Richard Nixon
For historians, the retrospective legitimation of essentially every criminal act Nixon committed while in office is quite mind-boggling. Ford’s pardon was utterly unnecessary.
Mayo? Is that what we're calling it? Mayo.
Just saw my first cybertruck and it was some of the most offensive driving I've ever seen. Weaving lanes in a stroad and a sudden uturn in busy traffic. Sideways hat. We should get serious about ostracism.
Our system of government does not work.
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the conservative movement's roots is an alliance of business interests livid about the new deal, southern racists livid about the civil rights movement, and church ladies livid about the sexual revolution. scotus will continue unabated until they've rolled all those back (or democrats stop them)
The Alitos should never be able to foi anywhere without seeing pitchforks.
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In April 1944, the Vice President of the United States wrote an article in the New York Times about the threat of Fascism in the United States. He ended by predicting that right wing anti-Communist saber rattlers in the US will inject a fascistic brand of politics into our political culture.
The Republican Party is a problem to be solved by eliminating all its active members from public life. No politics that doesn't treat it as an existential threat to be destroyed is unserious about its own projects.
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A global democratic politics is possible, and the only thing that can actually give humanity peace and prosperity. We must unite against those who divide us.
"The poll questioned 75,000 people in countries representing almost 90% of the global population. It found a large majority (80%) wanted their countries to strengthen their climate change commitments, with only 5% saying their country should weaken its action."
Most people in petrostates want quick switch to clean energy, UN poll Largest ever climate survey also finds majority want countries to set aside differences to fight global heating
Nice to see political corruption is now legal, a crime that would meet the harshest of punishments on the first offense if we were serious about justice.
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This is child abuse. No parent should allow it. No adult should allow it. THIS IS STATE-SPONSORED CHILD ABUSE.
“Chances are, you’re never ever going to have to use this. If you do, it’s gonna be scary,” trauma nurse Kate Carleton told the 8- and 9-year-olds. “But because we’ve taught you what to do, it makes it a little less scary.”
Born from the tragedy of gun violence, this program teaches children how to stop a wound from bleeding out | “Stop the Bleed” turns bystanders — even young children — into immediate responders by teaching them to pack a wound and use a tourniquet.
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The source of the irrationality is pretty simple: it's middlebrow and cringe to say that a second trump presidency is an existential threat to the country, so if you consider yourself a sophisticate you dismiss it. But the resistance folks are right, and they've been right for eight years
I’ve been in a meeting with a number of men (and a handful of women) in suits, and while there has been intelligent discussion, my main impression is that Very Serious People are irrationally complacent about the consequences — economic and political — if Trump wins.
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The problem is you generally don't get VC levels of money unless you are lacking in the moral scruples to get that money. A bit of a catch 22. We really should cap personal wealth huh?
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One of my most extreme views is that I believe, to the extent possible, everyone who voted for Trump in 2020 should be permanently disenfranchised.
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there are a lot of ways for the state to suppress dissident speech. one particularly bad one is by having armed agents of the state stand by and do nothing while partisan-aligned thugs or paramilitary groups beat you because of your speech, and then have the DA decline to prosecute the assaulters.
LA's District Attorney George Gascon has declined to charge Edan On, the man who injured several people in an hours-long brutal attack on UCLA students' pro-Palestine encampment last month. On was featured by name in a CNN report after his mother celebrated his crimes.
LA County declines to charge man recorded attacking pro-Palestine protesters at UCLA, refers case to city attorney’s office | The case against Edan On, the 18-year-old accused of attacking pro-Palestinian protesters at UCLA in April, has been referred to the Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office for misdemeanor filing considera...
A global democratic politics is possible, and the only thing that can actually give humanity peace and prosperity. We must unite against those who divide us.
"The poll questioned 75,000 people in countries representing almost 90% of the global population. It found a large majority (80%) wanted their countries to strengthen their climate change commitments, with only 5% saying their country should weaken its action."
Most people in petrostates want quick switch to clean energy, UN poll Largest ever climate survey also finds majority want countries to set aside differences to fight global heating