
Let's grant the obvious that no one seems to want to emphasize: Replacing the nominee at this point—let alone a successful president (perhaps the most successful first-term president since FDR)—would be the biggest gamble in the history of American politics.
I think the disconnect/reality break between the reaction to the debate and the stakes of this election comes from a few things: 1. An inability to self-regulate 2. An opportunistic chance to shiv Biden for policies you don't like (mostly Gaza 3. A disdain for the Democratic party (never Trumpers)
That’s why The New York Times is pushing for it. They want Trump to be elected.
Hoping that Biden's mental decline reverses in the next 4 months is also quite a large gamble.
my bet is he wins and harris takes office before the term is up. haven't really thought on the implications tho
That was my assumption at the last election. This time round I'm not sure he makes election day.
Could we also please note that Reagan, Clinton, Bush and Obama "lost" their first reelection debate?
Been pointing that out for several days. In fact, Reagan's debate loss started a narrative that he was too old, a narrative that he crushed (much to my disappointment) in the next debate.
Everything is a gamble. Nothing is certain. But overcoming uncertainty is where Dems are supposed to excel, and it's why democracy was invented. Biden isn't getting any younger, and there's 4 months for another shoe to drop. But it will. Too late. Now is always the best time to address uncertainty.
what's your imaginary solution for this?
I will vote for Biden, but Biden sucks. When I voted for him in 2020, I didn't expect him to run for a second term. He was selfish not to step aside before the primaries started. There is nothing to "grant": he CHOSE to bring us to "this point" that we are at. He ONLY has my vote because of Donald.
I voted for Biden in 2020 to vote against Donald. Biden's fine, he's done great stuff, but I didn't vote for him for his fucking infrastructure policies. We have been down this road with Ruth Bader-Ginsburg. Elderly people SHOULD retire, |regardless| of career success.
I agree with you, but I spell gamble in this instance thusly: "act of political suicide"
when talking about first terms, how are we handling presidents who took office part way through a term due to a previous president's departure? First term of any length, or first *full* term?
And it would steal the news cycles right out from under the asshat's feet.