
When you see the way the press is treating Joe Biden for aging in public, you see how they could treat Donald Trump for committing fraud, rape, espionage, and insurrection and never, ever will.
Trump is also aging and cognitively declining in public... But they don't talk about that either, in a Both Sides way that they'd typically love.
They don't do it because they know it will have zero effect on trump.
Policing Democrats is easier than informing voters, I guess
Yeah, especially when at the end of the day, the media work for the corps & ultra wealthy. Why would they try to support the Democrats?
Then after saying something that absurd, he would say, "I do the speech very well"
Trump says Biden is to old to be president but will himself be that age as president in 3 yrs time if the US elect him. As I am saying in UK too, if the press/politicians ignore fascism thinking it is under their control they will, WILL, experience just the same as Hindenberg did with Hitler.
is trump a foreign agent of, say, MBS? never makes the news.
Why aren't there a thousand stories about the electric plane flying when the sun isn't shining comment? Or about how he clearly doesn't understand the basics of how batteries function Or about how when he was president he clearly believed stealth jets were LITERALLY invisible
Non stop stories about how he is wrong about the basics of everything and is also quite probably insane and also the dumbest person who has ever existed.
Or the fact he wanted to have protesters shot.
Because the press is owned by Republicans. It’s appalling. That said I think Biden is toast now.
Don’t count him out too soon. We just need to circle the wagons and fight like hell to get everyone possible to vote for Biden.
Don’t get me wrong. I just hate what the media is doing to discredit Biden. They did exactly the same with Hillary. But a weeks worth of bad press and Democratic ambivalence too, which is even more damaging, makes it time. Can a black women beat Trump? If not now then when?
Just my opinion and I wouldn’t muse seeing Kamala as President some day, but I think the racist MAGA would be energized by that.
Cuz the media is librul, amirite?
Beltway press are tabloid journalists now. Trump's wheelhouse is how to play them. Biden team strategy of antagonizing just isn't working sadly. We can complain rightly but at some point you need competent media strategy.
Somehow it feels like we never left the 2016 thinking of “how is this guy not losing by 40 points?! Their opponent must be terrible!” When really it’s always going to be close in our system with this level of polarization.