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Not super interesting and also the best damn salesman you'll ever meet!
Reposted byAvatar Firebrand
Watch SCAVENGERS REIGN. Watch CAROL AND THE END OF THE WORLD. Watch BLUE EYE SAMURAI. Watch PLUTO. Netflix needs to understand that *original animated series for YA/adults* have value beyond raunchy comedy. There IS an audience for it. They’ll keep canceling them unless they see those numbers.
Reposted byAvatar Firebrand
Consider this your reminder to watch Scavengers Reign on Netflix and juice the fuck outta its numbers and convince whoever needs convincing that there’s a place for amazing, adult-audience animation in the world. Thank u.
You know, if I was one of the folks coming up with questions to ask Donald Trump at the last or next debate, I'd ask him why the American people should trust him when his own Vice President has said he was being forced to make an unconstitutional decision to keep him in power.
Watching something less frightening, the show where superman is a bloodthirsty fascist.
Your email found me trying to use my phone as a hammer in hopes that it might die and give me some peace.
There is someone at the park who loudly wants everyone to go. Where? Can't say.
The air will grow cold and trees will break. The horns will sound and the birds will catch fire. A terrifying rumble signals the day in which all of HIS PIECES will return to HIM. The last awful moment will be your blood being corrupted and twisted into peanut butter. Excerpt from the book of Reese
Reposted byAvatar Firebrand
Me, when I'm playing SimCity.
we're going to bulldoze your shitty fucking house and kill all your stupid grass to build better housing that'll be closer to your work
Fucking nailed it
just fucking once I'd like to spell shit right the FIRST time I post
Just wondering, but did any of you get really attached to being out in the rain? I got in trouble as a kid because a neighbor and I were standing in the gutters during a downpour just laughing and kicking water at each other. It's one of my favorite things in the world.
If you enjoy sci-fi and you have a Netflix account, you absolutely should be watching #ScavengersReign. It is beautiful, haunting, and horrifying. 12 episodes at 26 minute or less, the animation is gorgeous and the story is fantastic. Visit Vesta today! Be careful where you step!
Do you hate doing math with dates? Do you need to know what day it'll be in 13 days? Are you cursed to use a Windows system? If so, it's your lucky day! Click the start button, type powershell, and hit enter Then type (Get-date).AddDays(13) You can add seconds, minutes, hours, days, and years!
Does anyone else say, "shut it down!" out loud when they shut down their computer and think of this dude?
I think there needs to be studies done about just how many notifications is too many and then mandate that no phone can exceed that amount. I didn't hate phones as much as I do now.
Reposted byAvatar Firebrand
Republicans are stealing a 50/50 purple state into permanent GOP domination right in front of us
North Carolina's GOP is poised to pass a law to let billionaires & corporations give unlimited dark money to state candidates, using gerrymandered supermajorities to override Dem Gov. Roy Cooper's veto. Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, the far-right GOP nominee for governor, seems too toxic for named donors
NC lawmakers push new campaign finance rules. Critics call it political ‘money laundering’ Proposed campaign finance rules passed the state Senate Thursday with no debate or explanation. The changes now go to the state House for a vote next week.
Eye fahckin' pronounce you husband and husband!
I firmly believe we need to get billionaires into weird hobbies and then let their egos build their coffins. The Titanic submersible is a blueprint, but I really want to see a billionaire get really into Evel knevel shit and just beef it into a bus. He died as he lived. Overconfident.
I think we got stuck on the worst timeline when the different colored ketchups came out. Just cosmically hammer fucked into the shit dimension.
Make a band milder: Chilly
make a band milder: the most tame impala
Some like it warm
Make a movie milder The green kilometer
The thing to understand in all of this is that he never cooks, never cleans, never drives, and the time he has is due to OTHER PEOPLE'S TIME. Likely several other people. And seriously, Chevron. FUCK that shit.
Good morning I'm afraid Chevron CEO Mike Wirth says you're already really quite behind
When do you think that Sarah Silverman is going to open for Netanyahu?
Reposted byAvatar Firebrand
Right-wing social media influencer, Douglass Mackey, who posted under alias Ricky Vaughn, was sentenced to 7 months in federal prison for spreading falsehoods via Twitter, now known as X, in an effort to suppress Democratic turnout in 2016 presidential election
Far-right influencer sentenced to 7 months in 2016 voter suppression A right-wing social media influencer has been sentenced to seven months in federal prison for spreading falsehoods via Twitter, now known as X, in an effort to suppress Democratic turnout in the 2016 ...
This is my inaigural thing, don't fuck it up!
End of feed.