
Lying to people on the telephone
Most Americans say they’re doing OK, but the economy is terrible. So they’re either wrong about their own lives, or misinformed about the overall economy. Which do you think is more likely?
Opinion | America Is Still Having a ‘Vibecession’ Most voters say that they’re doing OK but that the economy is bad.
NFIB intermediate managerial polls are completely polarized just like political polls.
I shit on specific pollsters but the problem is absolutely completely to the roots endemic now
Upon learning that many of these polls still rely on people who answer the phone I sorta stopped caring, but there is almost a certainly a feedback loop between the responses and how they then fodder for coverage cycles.
The ones that don't use opt in surveys from social media and those are probably wrong in exciting, new, different ways. We're pretty close to flying blind.
I will sometimes get text messages that claim to be for polls but then they want me to click a link which I’m absolutely not doing. I’m sure the sample populations are a wild collection of people.
Who knew having a landline and having the free time to pick up random ass calls was the key to unlocking nearly infinite politcal power?
In before someone shows up to say “they called cell phones too”. That’s worse actually. I haven’t talked on the phone to anyone in months, probably, let alone answer an unknown number. The people answering these calls think Consumer Cellular is trying to get ahold of them.
Yeah, I have my phone set up to automatically silence calls from numbers I don't have in my phone, the call goes straight to voicemail.
It's more about the people taking it than the methodology. Yougov is online and look at how Republicans feel about the economy. A Democrat is President they feel they have to claim things are terrible and as soon as a Republican is President everything is amazing.
Hyper-partisanship is disease, and it's been a huge part of the whole Fox Newsifaction of things for 20 years when they worked relentlessly to demonize Democrats and make 'Liberal' a perjorative.
Pollsters just have to get more clever in how they phrase things - basically need to trick people into answering truthfully instead of leading them with stuff they know will make it onto the news. Republicans and their financial situation have been getting better since mid 2022.