
Incidentally this is why E Bruenig-ism is such a transparent fucking farce
It's really weird (it's not really weird) how states that ban abortions are also states where women can't get leave to take care of their children.
There are people with consistent pro-life positions, and while I don't think the belief makes them worthy of exile from society I also don't think they ameliorate the forced-birth movement one bit because they clearly have no power in it.
I think that you can hold the viewpoint as internally consistent but also not advocate for its promulgation by state force upon those who do not share those religious convictions. The question is, at which point in this process do you get counted as 'pro-life'?
Here's the thing: You don't get to call yourself 'pro life' and then hedge and say it shouldn't be enforced. Then you aren't pro life. Pro life is a policy position about reproductive health. If you say you're pro-life, you're endorsing that policy regime. I
The thing that makes people pro-choice is that they think it shouldn't be enforced. That is in fact the definitional difference between the two.
At that point, your pro-lifery is an affect, its a signal. It can't mean nothing, otherwise why would you do it. So what could it possibly mean, then? What on earth could it possibly be communicating, other than ignorance of what 'pro-life' even fucking is as a term? Nothing good
"I need to remain in this group for my psychological integrity" drives a lot of conservatism IMO
Yes, which is why I use the term "forced-birth" to refer to the policy position. I know people who hold the consistent pro-life position in terms of morality but who advocate for a woman's right to choose in policy because they recognize the practical issues with trying to compel one answer here.
I mean, how do you distinguish "this thing you want is evil, but I don't want the state trying to make you avoid evil" from "abortion isn't evil and we should encourage people to make the choice that's best for them"?
"I'm pro-choice but I don't think tis good to get an abortion"
I mean the government shouldn’t stop you from doing most things that are evil, I think most people probably agree with this regardless of their concept of what evil is. That said if you think abortion is *murder* it’s pretty hard not to support severely criminalizing it. Like, it’s murder.
I mean, yes. And generally speaking, the "consistent" pro-life position is summarized as opposition to the death penalty, abortion, and euthanasia coupled with supporting robust public health initiatives and a social support net.
Do I feel their belief warrants the exile? Nah. Thing is: most of them are willing to make their own "lesser of two evils" judgment and side with the forced birth crowd all the same. That? Yeah, I'm comfortable exiling them for that.
I have a hard time crediting anyone within the forced-birth movement as having a consistent pro-life position, given how obviously anti-life the idea of state intervention in pregnancy is in any conceivable real-world scenario.
No, you see, we haven’t done Real Christian Government yet.
*stares in two thousand years of Catholic History* Maybe that's actually kind of the problem, huh
The Venn Diagram that shows how I can personally believe that life begins at conception, yet I continue to vote straight ticket D.
You and a bunch of people. The freaks running the GOP refuse to accept anything else
You will also notice the states that the Bruenigs came from and left, and the states in which they have resided their entire adult lives.
This also kneecaps the rotating villain theory
"I think if we just get a godly monarch in power that will solve everything." Is the stupidest opinion imaginable
Peter Sagal clenching his fists as he furiously types out a post defending her.